Movie Studio App


New Member
Mar 9, 2010
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Hey, I'm debating getting a Xoom or iPad 2, and one of the apps that was persuading me towards the iPad is iMovie. I know Honeycomb comes with Movie Studio for free though, but I haven't seen any good reviews of Movie Studio. If you have a Xoom, how well is Movie Studio for doing light video editing and creation? And how does it compare to desktop clients such as iMovie or Windows Live Movie Maker?

I have only scratched the surface of my MXoom movie editor but so far I'm impressed. The control is, by way of UI, very nice and smooth.I'll update further as I play with it. :)

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@JEchoff are you planning on editing video you took with the tablet or video you transferred to it for editing on the go? The reason I ask is from what I have read so far the iPad2 cameras are low quality, not a big shocker.

I was ready for iPad2 since I can get one for free through our corp rewards program, but I am leaning more towards the XOOM, I would prefer a WiFi only version but when is it coming out.
Yeah I realize the iPad's cameras are really low quality. I'm planning on getting a nice camera for college, but for like three months I would be using the devices cameras. The Xoom seems to have the better cameras, so that's definitely a nice advantage. I'm switching daily between the devices though, ha.
Its tough to say, I can get an iPad 1G for free from my corp rewards program (don't care about the cameras on ipad2) and was going to sell it for a XOOM, but I really want a WiFi only version.

I just like the options the dev community will put out, the cameras are nice an overall we will see lots of apps start to appear. The only question I have is if you get a xoom off contract or Wi-Fi only how do you get an extended warranty on it?

I definitely see the interest in photo and video editing and I see more power apps coming for the xoom in time. I mean its Googles "first" real tablet OS device.