Motorola Droid Ultra FAQ

Ah, I don't think Androlib actually lets you download anything from the site. You have to look up the name of the app in the market on your phone. Androlib's just an easy way to look up applications on the computer.
im not sure i know how to search on droid itself or do u just have to scroll through till u find the app?
OK I Figured that one out on my own. But now i have a new question... is there a better keyboard that has more spacing between the keys like the iphone??
Well, after hitting the search button and typing in a name, yeah, unfortunately there's no "sort by" option or anything like that. Androlib is easier to search through, then just type in the exact name in the Android market.

I have added folders pdf, excel, and word to my droid and was able to load many files in each without fail and can view from pc, the trouble I'm having is, I cant locate those folders from handset.

Can someone please tell me where/how to access these folders from handset???
You can download a file manager like AndroZip and start browsing your phone from that. It has a normal folder view.

@raisinblind: I've never used it before, but a lot of people love Better Keyboard. I'm pretty sure you have to pay a couple dollars though.
Just wanted to give this a bump to ask if anyone else has any more questions/suggestions.
I don't know what a VPN is and I probably won't unless I ask. So I'm asking. What's a VPN? Virtual Pin Number? Virtual Phone Number? Or am I so far off it's not even funny?:)
I don't know what a VPN is and I probably won't unless I ask. So I'm asking. What's a VPN? Virtual Pin Number? Virtual Phone Number? Or am I so far off it's not even funny?:)

Hey, you got 1\3 of it correct! :)
Virtual Private Network
Was Locale deliberately left off the list? Seems like a must-have for many people, including myself.
Was Locale deliberately left off the list? Seems like a must-have for many people, including myself.

Just reading the notes... looks like a lot of customer complaints.... not good for a 10 dollar product.

I don't really want gps enabled all the time... but sounds very useful for those with the need.
Wow. Very helpful. Thanks
is all this still relevant since the upgrade to 2.0.1? Or has it fixed/ changed some of these things?