Motorola Droid screen wont work


New Member
Dec 1, 2010
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Ive tried everything i could think of. I removed the battery, I turned the phone off many times. I let the battery sit outside of the phone for a while. I fall asleep on the phone every night with my girlfriend, and when I woke up this morning, I tried unlocking my phone and it wouldn't even respond to the touch. Before that happened, the screen went spastic. Ive always had problems with the phone, when i talk, the screen doesn't lock like it should. I have calls lost a lot because of this. The screen is always buggy. I use my phone a lot and I use it for work. I did many soft resets and I even did a hard reset of my phone, but when i went to touch the droid, the screen was still unresponsive. My phone isnt even half a year old, so I'm pretty sure it's still covered by warranty. Should I got to Verizon and have them replace the phone? Please help
Okay a couple of things. First when the phone goes blank overnight and will not respond, it maybe dead. In that instance (especially if the screen is black) I would plug it up to the wall charger for a couple of hours and the phone should come back with no problem.

As for the spastic behavior of the screen, my husbands does that at times as well. Let me ask....... is your Droid rooted???? or overclocked??? I have noticed that my husband's spazes out when it overheats. I would suggest either set it down for a little bit and let it cool or pull the battery and let it sit for a little bit then reboot.

As for the phone not locking when on a call, it sounds like you have a sensor that has gone bad. Normally that would be a warranty issue, however, many of us have had our Droids over a year now and the manufacturer's warranty is only for a year. You could check with Verizon and see if they are willing to do anything but I am not sure. Also if you have insurance (assurian) on the phone you could always do a claim, pay the $90 bucks and get another Droid.

Hope this helps you out.
The battery level is at 90% right now. It's not rooted or overclocked. I have done nothing to my phone that could harm it. Unless talking and texting all the time is harmful. I have some games and Laputa and some music stuff, but that's about it. I also have a gba, gb, and atari emulator on my phone. When i text, i prefer the physical keypad in most circumstances. I work in a pizza place where there is flour in the air all the time and i find flour in on my phone even if I'm not near it. I had a case, but i got rid of it because of this reason. I have dropped my phone maybe twice, and I keep it dry and away from water.
Okay, when it does its spastic behavior is it hot up around the camera area??? If so, something is causing the processor to overheat.

You still have an issue with a proximity sensor that is causing your phone not to lock during a call. For that reason alone I would call Verizon and see if they would do anything for you. There maybe an issue with your processor as well.
I'm going to Verizon today to see if I can replace it. One night, it was a few weeks ago, I was using the iheartradio app to listen to music and I woke up and my phone was really hot and I was worried it could catch fire or something. I've always had problems, especially when the phone is plugged into the computer. Me and my mom got our droids at the same time during a buy one, get one sale at Verizon and her's doesn't mess up near as much as mine has
I think that is a pretty good idea. I am sorry that I could not help you fix it but it does sound like you are having some hardware issues. Now one thing that I want to let you know for the future............ Try not to use replacement chargers. For some reason replacement chargers tend to cause the phone to act possessed. Also it is not a good habit to charge it with the computer. You get a better charge off the wall outlet. Just some advice. Good luck at Verizon and please let me know what they say or do for you.