Motorola Droid 2.1

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LOL was just stirring the pot. I HATE Sue happy ppl. I'm fine with 2.0.1.haven't decided if I'm rooting yet.
False...The world is ending on Jan 1 2012 so we'll never get this 2.1 update :icon_ devil: haha lol

I'm pretty sure we get to see most of 2012. The official end of the world is December 21, 2010. An internal memo was leaked.

I mean December 21, 2012. Why can't I edit my posts? Now I look like an idiot.

the world doesn't end, it may just end as we know it....just finished the lost symbol....theories are sick....
Coming fron an iPhone, when I bought my Droid, I had no knowledge of 2.1 and/or that it would be released for the Droid. I thought most Android based phones would be running the same version.
Come on you guys, open your eyes.

2.1 will be released on Dec. 21, 2012...

Causing the end of the world. :icon_evil:
I have no problem waiting for 2.1. There's plenty of awesome things to do on a droid, I've had my phone since late november, and didn't purchase for future updates, its my first android based phone and I have no complaints, its actually exceeded what I thought a phone could do (but I'm only a meeger noob) especially after reading this forum and alldroid. So thanks for all the hard work to everyone whose contributed. I know I enjoy everything. Thanks
Are pol serious about it being a hoax? That sounds fishy to me.

It's not a hoax. The CEO of Moto stated at CES that both the Cliq and Droid would get updates to 2.1. He just didn't say exactly when....

Motorola: Droid, Cliq Getting Updates - Reviews by PC Magazine

The hoax is not weather we get 2.1, but the dates that we were told.

well if people are going by what was written in PC World magazine the update could be coming anytime and certainly by what was said not very soon. I do not see that as any day now or even any month now.
Has anyone considered the possibility, that since the Nexus One has the 2.1 software on it, that they might be concentrating their energies on making sure the bugs are ironed out for that device? I know it's not a Motoroal phone, but, perhaps the energy behind the software is being spent making sure that 2.1 runs in Google's flagship phone, before "older" devices are upgraded?

It makes business sense, in some ways. When you have a new product out that uses a version of something that is on an older product, the usual mindset is to concentrate on the new. Let's be honest, I have read a lot of complaints about the N1, but not too many substantial ones about the Droid, if our phone is running fairly well on 2.0.1, then perhaps Google is content to let the 2.1 for the Droid wait a bit while they concentrate on the Nexus One. Google/Motorola/VZW has some fairly satisfied customers with the Droid who would view 2.1 as gravy for their device, where as a frustrated N1 user might want his bugs taken care of, and taken care of now.

Just my .02.
i can wait for 2.1, all i want is flash.

I thought flash had to do with adobe, not with the update?

From what I've read 2.1 is a requirement for Flash to run. I can't reference the specific article where I had read that but it had something to do with Motorola working closely with Adobe in the development process. The only aspect of that statement which would make me question it's validity is that both Motorola and Adobe would have to have had a working version of 2.1 that was compatible with the Droid during development.
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