Motorola Droid 2.1

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Just when you think it can't get any worse someone mentions lawsuits because the update is not out yet.... OMG people, do you not have a life? lol

No I don't. But I wouldn't sue over not getting an update either.:)
Just when you think it can't get any worse someone mentions lawsuits because the update is not out yet.... OMG people, do you not have a life? lol

lol, honestly i dont care one way or the other. im happy with my droid. im just stirring the pot. bored on a saturday. hehe
the 2.1 update was used to sell alot of droid phones,as promised they said the update would be in jan 2010. i will guarantee this update will hit our phones by the end of the month. can u imagine the lawsuits and ppl wanting to refund because of false advertisements? think about it. this is not just me saying this, this is over half the droid users who bought this phone with the expectation of 2.1. moto and verizon would be fools to not launch 2.1 by the end of this month.

Droidweasel, I hope you are right I want to believe, I really do.:icon_eek:
Who said the update would b out by the end of the month? Never read that anywhere.
ok ok guys....offically from Moto no comment as to when. SO right now there is no schedule set. Just as soon as I get more or someone else get's more we will post here.......
Hey everyone hope you guys are enjoying your weekend. Please don't get mad @ me, you may know this already. I came across this on Droid The update for 2.1 according to Motorola and Verizon was all a hoax. Please check it out. In turn you will be rewarded. I don't want to give it all away. So just go to the website. I will say this, my Droid is not rooted but my phones looks as thought if it was. You will not be wasting your time, take care everyone.
to save everyone time this is from endgadget:

Alright, here's a little Jedi mind trick for you: there was no Droid update. We seriously don't have a good idea how so many people could claim their Droids received an over-the-air update followed by a PhoneArena confirmation to the same effect, only to have Motorola and Verizon both insist that it didn't happen -- but yeah, that's where we stand right now. First, Motorola's official MotoMobile Twitter account hit the world with the knowledge, then we followed up directly with Verizon to confirm, and we're being told from all sides that the new Droid firmware is a total fabrication. We guess this means we're headed straight for 2.1 then, right, guys?
I mean December 21, 2012. Why can't I edit my posts? Now I look like an idiot.

Only your Avatar!.....but who am I to talk with my suave debonair style!

The ladies love how my eye how it pops out.... how do you think I landed my wife?
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And start the Feb rumor mill!!! has been fun reading though.
not too dissappointed that it was all a hoax, but i'm psyched to have the launcher. I'll install it as soon as I get home from work.

Wait you guys didn't get the 2.1 update? I got mine this morning!! lol j/k ohwell... :(
ok ok guys....offically from Moto no comment as to when. SO right now there is no schedule set. Just as soon as I get more or someone else get's more we will post here.......

so where do these rumors get started ... thanks Miami.
not too dissappointed that it was all a hoax, but i'm psyched to have the launcher. I'll install it as soon as I get home from work.


@ dezymond, hey I got it on my Droid and its looks good. It does have some bugs but nothing to where the phone stops working. Until the official 2.1 OS comes, this should hold up just fine for those who want the 2.1 enjoy it.
Thanks Cerial Killer for having my back on this one. I just didn't want anyone to think I was spam.
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