Motorola Droid 2.1

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I don't mean to flame, but to me, most of the 2.1 update seem to be cosmetic. I realize they are adding in mic to text functionality, but I'm curious as to why people are to eager to receive this update? Am I missing something?


I'm with you, moot. No idea what all the hype is about.
3 months released and no longer the darling?

You tell me? What do you think? If it still is.... for how long?

Don't tell me you don't know what I mean....
It's VZW's flagship device. They can't and won't abandon it in favor of newer devices. That would not make good business sense.

On top of the 100M advertising campaign (most ever spent on an advertising campaign) they invested in Superbowl ads. Which you know is not cheap.

There is a reason they have put more money behind this device than anything in their line-up. It's a long term investment.

How long will it be their "darling"? Well into the future. It's the birth of a brand.
Amen..I'm looking forward to long term support until the super Droid is released ;)
I've only had my Droid since mid December and with the updates and apps it's like getting a new phone every week or so. I just installed the 2.1 launcher and gallery and it's as if I have a new device to play with now.
Much better response as far as updates/info goes compared to my last three Windows based phones and by the sound of it much better than BB also.

I haven't even opened my laptop that I have mounted in my service van that I have mainly for GPS use and customer lookup... I do it all on the phone now with voice command:icon_ banana:
Not to mention that whole reason Android has gotten so much more popular lately was because of their ads. Before the droid I don't think many common folk knew about Android. Without droid's push I don't think Android would be as known as it is today.
Every phone that Verizon sells gets to a point where it is no longer the "darling". At this point they begin placing focus on newer models.

I think the Droid is quickly approaching this point if not already there.

If this were not true we would already have the latest operating system.

They have already made tons of improvements to even the 2.1 operating system. And the people that will get them will be the ones that buy the newest latest phone that comes with the 2.2 or 3.0. I have no doubt that if they wanted to they could push 2.1 out to all of us already.... but they don't. We may get it at some point, but they will do it when there is a benefit for them, not us. Do you really think that in 2 years when all of our contracts were up that we will be at whatever operating system is out at the time? Not a chance, they want everyone to upgrade their phones every 2 years...

Business and Politics

The only way you will ever remain on the top of the latest software is if you are rooted and load it yourself when it comes out.

:blink::icon_rolleyes: You do realize it takes time to port a piece of software over to a new device, ensure that this software works and does not cause any compatibility issues, and then you have to prep it for wide scale release to more than 1 million devices. Yeah, obviously that happens overnight. This isn't the same as some rom hacker taking the code and quickly dumping it to something else. Also not like there are people working 24/7 simply on that project.

Sure in a year the Droid will no longer be the 'darling' of Verizon, but Verizon can't easily forget it's now large customer base who signed up with them for this phone. It's been stated it will get the 2.1 release, it will happen within a few weeks. I fully expect it to keep getting updates for the rest of the year. After that, perhaps only minor things as needed.

With the $100 million VZW put behind the Drid. You can bet this Device is going to get great support.
I find it almost funny when people state the Droid is no longer the flagship phone or any other outrageous reason that Android 2.1 hasnt been released yet for it.

The Droid is the flagship phone of Verizon and Motorola. Android 2.1 is in the process of being ported and optimized for the Droid and when its deemed ready, it will be released. I mean come on, the whole source code for Android 2.1 wasnt even officially available and branched till a few days ago and that does NOT include Droid specific patches/drivers/etc that Motorola has and will be applying to the Droids build. I wouldnt be surprised if a last minute critical bug was found that caused it to be delayed by a few days.

I also expect to see the Droid get Android 2.2 or 2.5 or whatever the next release is as its basically the most powerful (overall) Android phone out there and by the looks of it, will be for at least another few months. Plus when a phone comes out that finally does eclipse the Droid in hardware, that still suddenly doesn't mean the Droid wont be able to run the latest version of Android out there. Remember even a lot of the older HTC phones are being updated to Android 2.0 or 2.1.

The Droid has a long and healthy life ahead of it. People just get impatient and when an unconfirmed "target date" is missed for an update suddenly the whole world goes upside down. Just relax guys, it'll be here soon enough and we can all restart the wait/complaining/etc about why we dont have Android 2.x.
Sorry if im asking for more information, but i just read through about 12 pages of info, and what does 2.1 offer thats so important? Besides the speech to text mic.
I find it almost funny when people state the Droid is no longer the flagship phone or any other outrageous reason that Android 2.1 hasnt been released yet for it.

The Droid is the flagship phone of Verizon and Motorola. Android 2.1 is in the process of being ported and optimized for the Droid and when its deemed ready, it will be released. I mean come on, the whole source code for Android 2.1 wasnt even officially available and branched till a few days ago and that does NOT include Droid specific patches/drivers/etc that Motorola has and will be applying to the Droids build. I wouldnt be surprised if a last minute critical bug was found that caused it to be delayed by a few days.

I also expect to see the Droid get Android 2.2 or 2.5 or whatever the next release is as its basically the most powerful (overall) Android phone out there and by the looks of it, will be for at least another few months. Plus when a phone comes out that finally does eclipse the Droid in hardware, that still suddenly doesn't mean the Droid wont be able to run the latest version of Android out there. Remember even a lot of the older HTC phones are being updated to Android 2.0 or 2.1.

The Droid has a long and healthy life ahead of it. People just get impatient and when an unconfirmed "target date" is missed for an update suddenly the whole world goes upside down. Just relax guys, it'll be here soon enough and we can all restart the wait/complaining/etc about why we dont have Android 2.x.

THANK YOU!!! Well said, now I don't have to write it all! I would add, yes some day in the. Nnear future we won't be able to upgrade for free, that is business. And we'll still be able to say_when we need to upgrade to the latest tech- "man that droid was punk rock for thw flagship...! And until that day, if and when 2.1 happens, we can still say "the droid rocks, right now! (And I agree, I don't get the hype over a few more functions-hecxk my current apps work awesome right now...and will be more tomorrow)

The problem with a lot of our society, everyone's entitled and unappreciative/nothing is enough/the world owes them. These companies should give us all this awesome stuff for free! Forever!
Storms, Android 2.1 besides the usual bug fixes, performance improvements, etc will also bring a new App launcher, 5 home screens by default, new Gallery App, a News/Weather app/widget, slightly updated music player, new alarm clock app, and live wallpapers.
Storms, Android 2.1 besides the usual bug fixes, performance improvements, etc will also bring a new App launcher, 5 home screens by default, new Gallery App, a News/Weather app/widget, slightly updated music player, new alarm clock app, and live wallpapers.

thanks, haven't seen the updates put that concisely, I'm definitely looking forward to em! (but if they never came I'd still love my droid...that's all i's sayin' :))
The Nexus owners are saying it does NOT fix the infiniti/nissan Bluetooth issue - that is frustrating
Every phone that Verizon sells gets to a point where it is no longer the "darling". At this point they begin placing focus on newer models.

I think the Droid is quickly approaching this point if not already there.

If this were not true we would already have the latest operating system.

They have already made tons of improvements to even the 2.1 operating system. And the people that will get them will be the ones that buy the newest latest phone that comes with the 2.2 or 3.0. I have no doubt that if they wanted to they could push 2.1 out to all of us already.... but they don't. We may get it at some point, but they will do it when there is a benefit for them, not us. Do you really think that in 2 years when all of our contracts were up that we will be at whatever operating system is out at the time? Not a chance, they want everyone to upgrade their phones every 2 years...

Business and Politics

The only way you will ever remain on the top of the latest software is if you are rooted and load it yourself when it comes out.

Well, the Droid may not be Verizon's "darling" but it is Motorola's. I suspect Motorola is in a hurry to get 2.1 out so the phone looks current...

What do you think about this: Google had an agreement with Apple not to put multitouch on the Android phones. With the popularity of the android phones Google and App;e are not playing ice together anymore. Maybe the delay is to implement multi-touch in the Droid (I hope, I hope)

At any rate, if 2.1 doesn't come to the Droid, I will defiantly root it.


um sorry to burst your bubble.. but the droid does have multitouch. the stock apps dont use it though. download dolphin browser. its completely multitouch.
You guys are so funny and sensitive.... LOL

Ok, The Droid is the Darling and will be for years to come and you will always have the latest operating system no matter what new phones come out.

Joking aside I love my Droid and look forward to what the future brings.

I like what was said about the Verizon creating a "brand" with the Droid.
all that stuff is all around the forum jgorillaz. But honestly guys, i really dont think that we are gonna see 2.1 at all, or at least for a while now...i really dont
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