[MOD] - AOSP Battey with %


Silver Member
Jan 19, 2011
Reaction score
Virginia/DC Metro Area
UPDATE: After coming to grips with the fact that my previous instruction looked incredibly daunting, I figured out how (big thanks to CJM for helping me on this) to bundle my battery mod into a flashable zip.

Since none of the current battery types for Gummy are quite what I wanted, I decided to create my own. Basically, I wanted an AOSP look with %'s inside the battery. This will give you the AOSP battery with full 1% to 99% increments. Zero is the red ! and 100% is the full battery. I created this using the AOSP battery images combined with the new Roboto font.

I was unhappy with the original look so I revamped everything for this update.

Disclaimer: As always, I'm not responsible if this screws something up. MAKE A BACKUP!
Also, it's important to note that this will overwrite the SystemUI.apk. If you have any other mods (softkeys, etc.) to this apk, they will be overwritten.


1) Download this: battery mod
2) Flash into clockwork and make a backup
3) Install zip within clockwork
4) Reboot and be sure to select Fat Gummy within Gummy battery settings

View attachment 46125

View attachment 46126

Old Instructions - Ignore the following unless you intend to do this the hard way.

I'll leave these up for now - for those do-it-yourself modders out there :)

What you need: battery_mod
Root explorer is also required.

1. Download the battery mod file above
2. Boot into recovery and make a Nandroid backup in case something goes wrong
3. Open Root Explorer
4. Navigate to: system/app/
5. Tap "Mount R/W" near the top-right
6. Scroll down and look for: "SystemUI.apk"
7. Long press on SystemUI.apk; select copy
8. Paste this file onto your "sd" card
9. Long press on the newly pasted file and select rename; rename this file SystemUI.zip
10. Long press on SystemUI.zip; select "Extract all"
11. Navigate to where you saved the battery_mod file; long press and select "Extract all"
12. Navigate to /sdcard/SpeedSoftware/Extracted (this is where Root Explorer extracts all files)
13. Select Battery_Mod/New folder(2)
14. Now, tap the menu button > multi select > then select all at the bottom; select copy
15. Back out to /sdcard/SpeedSoftware/Extracted and select SystemUI
16. Within this, navigate to res/drawable-xhdpi; select paste
17. When the prompt appears, check the checkbox for all existing items and then select replace
18. Back out to /sdcard/SpeedSoftware/Extracted and then long press SystemUI; select "Zip this folder"
19. Navigate to /sdcard/SpeedSoftware/Zip where your newly created zip file is located
20. Long press on the file and rename to SystemUI.apk
21. Copy SystemUI.apk
22. Navigate back to system/app and select paste
23. Select yes to replace.
24. Permissions will need to be rw-r--r--; if they're not, long press and select permissions; uncheck "write" located under "group"; select ok
25. Tap "Mount R/O"
26. Reboot (if you get FC's, do a battery pull; if the mod doesn't take, also do a battery pull)
27. After boot, go to: settings > Gummy Settings > SystemUI Tweaks > Battery Types > select Gummy Fat Battery (this mod replaces the Gummy Fat Battery); you may have to toggle back and forth between the different battery types to get it to change.
28. If you run into any serious issues, restore your backup

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Nice work man!!! I must say, though... that has got to be the most steps I have ever seen to implement a single mod. Maybe (hopefully) we will see this included in the next rev of Gummy!!
Nice work man!!! I must say, though... that has got to be the most steps I have ever seen to implement a single mod. Maybe (hopefully) we will see this included in the next rev of Gummy!!

Yeah, it's not nearly as bad as it looks. I dumbed it down quite a bit to be very clear. If you know how to use Root Explorer, this mod can be applied in less than 3 minutes.