Mic & Earpiece speaker no longer working


New Member
Oct 16, 2010
Reaction score
As the title says,
I can't make any calls or record any audio because the ear piece speaker/microphone used for calls is no longer working - calls still go through, but I can only hear the call if it's on speaker, and the mic still won't work either way.

I've tried restarting the phone, removing/replacing the battery and a hard reset - still to no avail.
Should I go ahead and send for a replacement?
Nothing significant has happened to the phone to cause any of this - it's not been dropped, gotten wet or anything and the phone was working properly just earlier today.

Sounds like a hardware issue. I would make a visit to your local vzw store. Obvoiusly unroot if you are rooted first.
Okay, will do :) worst case scenario I won't be able to make calls for a few days until I send for a warranty replacement etc, but really all I require is texting, and as far as that's concerned everything seems to be working fine.

Thanks! I'll take it into the Verizon store tomorrow =]
This happened to me also. I have swapped out 3 diff headsets. All 3 work on my blackberry and not on my DX. Did they replace your phone ?