Looking for an easy to remove case


Feb 2, 2011
Reaction score
Anyone know of a decent protective case that's specifically easy to remove as many times as I might need?
A hard shell type is preferred for the event where I'll inevitably drop my X. I don't care too much for the soft gel deals. I also don't really like screen covers/protectors (built-in) but it's not a deal breaker.

I have the Body Glove now, but after removing only once the bottom left corner won't snap back on correctly. Also, the slot where you can use a coin to separate the case for removal is now gummed up.
It looks nice, but I know from having the same style on my last phone that the thin rubber coating wears away pretty fast.
So any recommendations?

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I have the Body Glove (mainly because I like the grip and it was the only "good" case available at my local store). But I agree it's a real pain in the rear to try and remove. I'm also searching for a better case that doesn't add a ton of bulk.

Have you looked thru this subforum; it seems like every other post has a review of various cases.
Check out the Qmadix gel on Amazon.

I have had this case for about a month and I love it. It comes off easy and its thin. Fits the X perfectly. Not as much protection as the otterbox, kraken, or other high ends but its sleek...trust me.

DX. CFU. LIB 1.5.
The Qmadix looks promising. While reviews mention their X surviving drops, I'm just a little apprehensive since the case is so thin and gel.
If nobody can recommend something with more meat to it (I don't mind bulk), then I'll probably go with the Q.

I've scoured the forums for specific mention of ease of frequent case removal and while there's no shortage of case discussion, there's surprisingly little there about what I'm looking for. So I figured I'd start this and hope for a hot tip.

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I just found it! Since I've never gotten around to figuring out how to post a link with my X you'll have to Google "Jawcase" if you want to see what I'm talking about.
It's sturdy, lightweight, and opens up in a snap since it's meant to be used as a cradle.
This thing is just what I need. Unfortunately, it looks like if the creator doesn't get enough orders it won't get off the ground and I'll be back to square one.
So check it out and get your order in.

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