Digging this one out.
May someone load an working Safestrap version 1.08 for GSM up ? Or send it to me via Email ?
---> Searching all the Day for a working link, but theres really NOTHING !
After my "Odyssey" this morning, putting CM9 on my German Razer, iam totaly done with bootstrapper ;-)
Getting into Bootloops ( Okay no Problem, Bootstapper recovery Loads), but after it, nothing cant be compiled
or recoverd, nothing.
Always gettings errors while recoverys, or the system starts CM9, insteat of my "backup" installation via BS.
So, iam realy done after 4h.. Its working again, flashed via Linux Skript and OTA, but thats not the way it should be^^
So could somone provide me the file for the Razr ?