Two nights ago I flashed a custom kernel from Ziggy at XDA and PPCG when I flashed his kernel I was running CM6stable release. I backed up my rom in Rom Manager and then rebooted into Clockwork using Rom Manager. Since I like to keep everything organized I didnt rename the .zip file because I already had Hydra v1 overclock kernel (running with no issues) and didnt want to confuse myself. Anyway, I "choose .zip from sdcard" in Clockwork and then applied Ziggys kernel. I tapped the power button to back up one screen to "reboot system now". Heres where the trouble began, the phone rebooted and I got alot of black lines which remind me alot of "corrupted data" is the bast way I can describe it. I was unable to unlock my phone from the screen nor use my screen at all for that matter. When I pressed the power button I got the normal list of options when you hold down the power button but naturally I was unable to use the touch screen to select anything.
I tried this kernel with a few different roms to see if the same thing occured/ Jager yes/CMRC3 yes/ Skyraider yes/Skyraider RC3 NO/. After each one I always reverted back to Hydra Kernel v1 and it worked just fine. However this morning I reflashed CM6.1 and tried Hydrav1 again and the same "corrupted data" occured.
Any ideas why this would happen and if there is a fix? Any help is much appreciated.
I tried this kernel with a few different roms to see if the same thing occured/ Jager yes/CMRC3 yes/ Skyraider yes/Skyraider RC3 NO/. After each one I always reverted back to Hydra Kernel v1 and it worked just fine. However this morning I reflashed CM6.1 and tried Hydrav1 again and the same "corrupted data" occured.
Any ideas why this would happen and if there is a fix? Any help is much appreciated.