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[K]IN3TX Built Off of 5.8.894 OTA?


New Member
So I was on the SHIFT3R rom and loved it and saw the [K]IN3TX rom and wanted to try it out so I used the R3l3AS3DRoot to take it back to stock when I noticed at says its built off the 5.8.894 OTA? I'm not a newb, but I'm far from adept. I've been scrolling through this forum and using Google and I'm understanding that I can't get the OTA .894 because I used a leak of the .893? I'm really quite confused. If someone could point me in the right direction, it'd be most appreciated. I want to try the [K]IN3TX out, but if for some reason I can't, I will just go back to SHIFT3R which I loved anyways. Thanks in advance! Love your work, and plan to donate more after the holidays!
.894 means that it was built off of that base. You can install it regardless of what built you are coming off of (except for the newest one .901, that screws everything up). The whole deal w/ applying leaked updates affected the radio and kernel, which is really the only difference (that I have noticed) between stock and leaked updates.

Go for it, if you liked shift3r then kin3tx will be just as good to you. Kin3tx is halfway between Purity and Shift3r, apply the blur pack to get to shift3r, or apply the aosp to get to Purity.
Just a fyi...DT dropped the Bionic and doesnt plan on updating the ROM. Save your donation!!

where in the h3ll did you hear that? he's dropping the og droid, but I would need to hear he's droppin the bionic directly from him, so point to a post where he or DH says this.

otherwise you're just spreading nasty rumors.
where in the h3ll did you hear that? he's dropping the og droid, but I would need to hear he's droppin the bionic directly from him, so point to a post where he or DH says this.

otherwise you're just spreading nasty rumors.
Not a rumor it's on his Twitter page.
Awhh that's sad to hear. I really like how DT made these Roms. I loved the simplicity of just wiping cash and dalvik to add certain things. Sad to see him go
Damn, and they just released a great set of roms, too. Hell he supported the OG droid up until lately. I wonder what's got him po'd at the bionic then... I asked over on the new th3oryrom forum site so we'll see what he says. Maybe he'll change his mind. I hope so.

I wonder if it's all the people that are being so negative about it, or if it has to do with the radio problem.
Not surprising; the Bionic wasn't getting much love anyways and with new devices coming out the devs jump onto new things. I'm not shocked at this news... Not that I blame them; it's hard to keep up with multiple devices.