Juice Defender and google voice


Nov 12, 2009
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I have a question about using juice defender with google voice.

Currently I have google voice setup to synchronize my inbox and i get txt messages and voicemails almost immediatly.

If i install juice defender will it delay my txt messages and voicemail notifications for however long it takes until it turns the data back on?

I'm thinking it would, but i wanted to ask.
If you have the Moto Droid, the data can't be turned off independant of the voice, so no... I stopped using Juice Defender for that reason, it negates the majority of the reason for using it.
A couple months ago juice defender did not work on cdma devices so I uninstalled it. Does it work now?
From the changelog (Google is your friend):
Experimental v1.7.2 - Brave new world edition
- new mobile data control method for CDMA

If i install juice defender will it delay my txt messages and voicemail notifications for however long it takes until it turns the data back on?
If it prevents GV from syncing, yes.
well, then it looks like i won't be using juice defender then. Its fine i guess as I can easily go the whole day without a charge as it is.