issue with quotation marks


Nov 29, 2009
Reaction score
hey guys, so yesterday I was thinking I would give the Droid 2 a shot, but I noticed something kind of odd.
When typing, whether in landscape, portrait, or keyboard, I noticed that when you insert a quotation mark it inputs it AFTER the last typed word, instead of at the beginning of the next word

EX: word_word_"word"

but in reality puts: word_word"_
(the _ are spaces btw)

is there any way to fix this?

I tried turning off "auto punctuation", but still seems to do it.
The X has the same issue I just learned to add the quotes after typing. It's kind of a pain but its a small price to pay for a great device.

Example: So if this was my example "blah blah" it turns out to
Be: So if this were my example" blah blab". Correct?

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yeah, it was kind of ticking at me since I'm somewhat of a grammar Nazi lol

although, if I install the gingerbread KB from my Incredible, it seems to work fine. Does the D2 have a special port for the GB KB? Since when I installed the one from my Incredible I noticed the sizing was a bit off.
yeah, it was kind of ticking at me since I'm somewhat of a grammar Nazi lol

although, if I install the gingerbread KB from my Incredible, it seems to work fine. Does the D2 have a special port for the GB KB? Since when I installed the one from my Incredible I noticed the sizing was a bit off.

the D2 can run the same gingerbread keyboard, i installed it before. I can't remember if it was an apk from an android blog or if it was in the market though. Either way, I noticed that the keyboard was really tiny and too impractical to use. As for the incorrect punctuation issue, it's been there since i've had my phone.

I don't think anyone has said whether or not the gingerbread leak has fixed this bug.