Is the Boxwave Screen protector the best?


Sep 14, 2010
Reaction score
Looks like I can get a boxwave screen protector for about $13. I've used it with the Droid 1. Loved it!
There's no orange peal effect.
It goes on dry.
It lasts for a long time.
It doesn't peel up.

Is this my best bet for using with the galaxy nexus?

Is the the best / cost effective protector that fits the criteria?
1. no orange peel
2. easy to install
3. doesn't peel up
4. lasts a long time
I have the Boxwave screen protector on my GNex right now and I really love it. I had the Verizon one on as a stopgap until my Boxwave arrived, and there's really is a difference. The Boxwave is so much better.
Come on now, zagg or nothing!

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
I have the Boxwave screen protector on my GNex right now and I really love it. I had the Verizon one on as a stopgap until my Boxwave arrived, and there's really is a difference. The Boxwave is so much better.

Curious about the boxwave, do you have any pictures of it? Also, how is it in terms of grease and fingerprints?
Ok, went with steinhall. It was a smidge cheaper, but many excellent reviews.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
Curious about the boxwave, do you have any pictures of it? Also, how is it in terms of grease and fingerprints?

I don't have any pictures right now and I'd have to wait until I get home from work tonight to get any. I went with the anti-glare (which is the Boxwave screen protector style that I've used on every device I've had since my Palm Treo years ago). It's silky smooth but doesn't interfere with screen clarity or touch sensitivity, and there's almost no reflection.

If your fingers are really greasy, they'll leave a smudge, there are far fewer fingerprints/smudges left on the screen than there were on the naked glass.

I ordered the same protector for my son's Rezound, but haven't had the chance to put it on yet, so he still has the Verizon one. It's remarkable the difference in the glideability of your fingers on the Boxwave versus the Verizon and also in the screen clarity between the two. The Verizon anti-glare clouds the screen a bit, but the Boxwave anti-glare doesn't at all -- in fact, I think it improves the beautiful clarity of the screen, since it mutes the reflection from the glass.
Oh wow an anti-glare that doesn't cloud the screen? Now I'm intrigued.
Actually I'm not opposed to a wet apply.

I'm with you. Never used wet until my wife got a stratosphere but I found it went on a lot easier and had fewer problems with it

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
I don't have any pictures right now and I'd have to wait until I get home from work tonight to get any. I went with the anti-glare (which is the Boxwave screen protector style that I've used on every device I've had since my Palm Treo years ago). It's silky smooth but doesn't interfere with screen clarity or touch sensitivity, and there's almost no reflection.

If your fingers are really greasy, they'll leave a smudge, there are far fewer fingerprints/smudges left on the screen than there were on the naked glass.

I ordered the same protector for my son's Rezound, but haven't had the chance to put it on yet, so he still has the Verizon one. It's remarkable the difference in the glideability of your fingers on the Boxwave versus the Verizon and also in the screen clarity between the two. The Verizon anti-glare clouds the screen a bit, but the Boxwave anti-glare doesn't at all -- in fact, I think it improves the beautiful clarity of the screen, since it mutes the reflection from the glass.

Where do you get these from? I just got the Verizon ones and like them, but never really had a screen protector on my past phones so I don't have experience on these wave sounds interesting!

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