Is Droid GPS better


New Member
Jan 7, 2010
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North Carolina
I'm in the market for a new GPS ..question I have is the GPS App on the Droid just as good or better than a Garmin or TomTom. Can you do route planning ?:icon_eek: (if this has been answered in another part of the forum , I was not able to retreive it using the search method..sorry)
The Droid GPS uses Google Maps to provide turn-by-turn directions or a list of directions. You can add layers to the map for satellite view, traffic, gas stations (with gas bot) and Latitude. You can change the route based on a list of alternatives that it provides, but I don't think it provides a complete trip planner for different stages.

Would be nice if it showed the posted speed limit and your current speed like a Garmin does. Time estimates, near as I can tell, are based on posted speed limits, not current speed.

In my opinion, it is a good alternative to a Garmin or TomTom. If you are going to buy a new phone and a GPS, then save yourself some money and buy the Droid.

Coupled with Google's voice search, this thing rocks. Just say the name of the store you are looking for and a navigation link appears in the browser letting you get turn-by-turn directions to the store; no searching for addresses or typing required.
It's usefulness and overall quality will vary GREATLY depending on your location. Back in Oct. Google discontinued their contract with TeleNav. This means that their maps in many locations have regressed, sometimes significantly (in case of Nashville's outlying areas about 2 yrs of progress was lost)... as a result it's maps can be less than perfect which, of course effects it's ability to plan routes....

So play around on GoogleMap on your computer first. If your local area (and the places you visit frequently) seem detailed than it's GREAT (downtown Nashville and other area work perfect) but if the maps aren't great in your area.... TomTom or Garmin may be a better alternative.

Note: the GPS itself works great, so perhaps TomTom or Garmin will release their software on the marketplace (like they did for the iPhone).
Thanks for the replies. I do know that google has since severed ties with TeleAtlas..makers of maps for TomTom. I have been for 3 years now trying to get Tele to get our location on their maps. Google has now done just that. Hopefully, this discussion will have more responses to help me with my decision