I did the whole inversion myself and like ecsnead does, I made it say Black Market.. I used his chromed out buttons and menu icons, but the rest of the icons are my own.. so I give him the credits since Blacked Out is his theme.. I have the texts just pointing to the primary and secondary TextColors on the ROM so whatever color your's are, is the color the market text will be.. as you can see on my screen shots, mine is set to red from my MURDER theme.. but on a stock colored rom, it will be white text... this is version 2.3.6 and Vending has been a slight issue with getting them to install and stick so as always, make a back up before flashing.. Try uninstalling updates on market before flashing, too. Some people recommened freezing the market update apk with TiBu but i didn't and it worked fine and hasn't reverted. I flashed this one over 2.3.4, then I also (4 times now) have flashed a new one over 2.3.6 and it applies and sticks.. Look for "Black Market" in your app drawer, not Market. If you have any issues with it not showing up or reverting, use Stetsonaw's guide in his sig... but I haven't had any issues so far so Enjoy!... I'll release themed ones for my themes soon.. This one is just an inverted one but looks pretty clean IMO... I also used his updater script so this is basically a tribute to him until he gets his version released.. at that point, I'll rename mine and change a few things.... check out his section for a bunch of other Blacked Out apps.... I talked to ecsnead and he said keep it Black Market so thanks man!... also, I added a new one that has the highlights in the header (RED in my screenshot) pointing to the system text colors so if you have a different colored theme on that has different colored system text (like the settings menu) then your highlights will be themed to those colors instead.. no need to find a different market..The header text and app texts are the same way... the menu icons aren't gonna be themed though to match any theme.. that's the only downfall.. Enjoy!
http://bit.ly/BlackedOut236Market Version 3 -FLASH LIKE A THEME
http://bit.ly/BlackedOut236MarketV4 Version 4 - DARK CHOCOLATE - Flash like a theme
http://bit.ly/AllBlackMarket All Blacked Out with system highlights - download link (flash like a theme)
http://bit.ly/KameleonBlackMarketD1Buttons Kameleon Series Black Market Droid 1 - Self themes according to the system text colors (settings menu text color) and uses system buttons instead of Vending.apk buttons.. when used with my themes it looks sick! flash in recovery or rom manager
http://bit.ly/KameleonBlackMarketDXButtons Kameleon Series Black Market Droid X - Self themes according to the system text colors (settings menu text color) and uses system buttons instead of Vending.apk buttons.. when used with my themes it looks sick! - flash in recovery
http://bit.ly/BlackedOut236Market Version 3 -FLASH LIKE A THEME

http://bit.ly/BlackedOut236MarketV4 Version 4 - DARK CHOCOLATE - Flash like a theme

http://bit.ly/AllBlackMarket All Blacked Out with system highlights - download link (flash like a theme)

http://bit.ly/KameleonBlackMarketD1Buttons Kameleon Series Black Market Droid 1 - Self themes according to the system text colors (settings menu text color) and uses system buttons instead of Vending.apk buttons.. when used with my themes it looks sick! flash in recovery or rom manager
http://bit.ly/KameleonBlackMarketDXButtons Kameleon Series Black Market Droid X - Self themes according to the system text colors (settings menu text color) and uses system buttons instead of Vending.apk buttons.. when used with my themes it looks sick! - flash in recovery