Insurance on your TBolt?


Feb 28, 2010
Reaction score
Merrimack, NH
Do you have insurance on your TBolt. I ordered one today and it's due to arrive Monday. I opted for the $5 monthly fee. I'm not one that usually buys insurance on gadets but this one is rediculously expensive to replace. With my luck, I'll drop it in a puddle on a hot dry sunny day.:icon_eek:
Yes, I have insurance on my TB. When I got my first smartphone the OG Droid was the first time I ever heard of insurance for a phone.

Thankfully I haven't had to use it yet, but my housemate has used it twice for water damage, got a OG Droid, got wet at the pool so she got a CLN replacement. The a few months later phone and holster came loose from her belt and fell in the toilet. They didn't have anymore Droids so the sent her a Droid2.

I'd rather be safe than sorry, worth the 5 bucks a month to me.
I didn't get it, simply because I am extra careful with my phone and shelter it pretty well. I have protective accessories (body & screen).

Then again, I've had bad experiences with insurance in the past.

I've had it on all my smartphones....I already buy most at full retail and really don't want to do it twice to the same device.
Sounds like I made the right move getting it covered. I'll keep it covered until the retail price comes back down to earth. Also nice to hear that they acutally replace the phone as they say they will.

Backnblack, with an avatar like that you must be a fellow ARFCOM member! Cheers!
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Yes. I feel like I have to have insurance with a phone that is $570 retail. I usually take insurance off when I've had a phone for 8-12 months.
My husband and I both have insurance on our Thunderbolts and thank goodness because last weekend he layed the phone on the bumper of the truck to free his hands to put some heavy items in the back of the truck. Well, you guessed it. We got in the truck, drove to our favorite pizza place when he realized what he had done. We back tracked and found the phone lying in the middle of the road SMASHED!! I have no idea how many cars ran over the phone, but the clear protective screen cover kept the glass screen intack allowing him limited use of the phone. Three days later he had a brand new Thunderbolt in his hands. In my opinion, these phones are too expensive not to have insurance.
i paid it for years. then when i went to use it, they had no comparable phones to replace mine with. the replacement they sent was totally unusable. ended up having VRZ sell me a deeply discounted replacement for my troubles.

my advise is to take the $90 deductible and put it in a bank account then add $5 a month. chances are youll be better off in the long run.
I once really meant to take mine out of my pocket before I stepped into the spa...

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I agree... by the time you figure out what you paid and add the outrageous deductible, you could use that to get a phone of your choice rather than getting a refurbished replacement that is possibly already outdated.
My husband and I both have insurance on our Thunderbolts and thank goodness because last weekend he layed the phone on the bumper of the truck to free his hands to put some heavy items in the back of the truck. Well, you guessed it. We got in the truck, drove to our favorite pizza place when he realized what he had done. We back tracked and found the phone lying in the middle of the road SMASHED!! I have no idea how many cars ran over the phone, but the clear protective screen cover kept the glass screen intack allowing him limited use of the phone. Three days later he had a brand new Thunderbolt in his hands. In my opinion, these phones are too expensive not to have insurance.

This is the perfect example of why its a good idea to get insurance on your smartphone. Because sometimes we are not so smart. Plus there will be the rare instances you would like someone to run your phone over!
you stole the words right out of my mouth; I don't normally buy insurance on my phones when I buy them, but the $5 a month is good peace of mind. I have yet to destroy a phone while on a contract, but accidents happen