Install aborted. Need help.


Dec 26, 2011
Reaction score
So I received the system update OTA today and downloaded it. Once downloaded it prompts to install. Everything goes well for a couple of minutes then Andy is laying there and the symbol above him turns red. Once rebooted it says "The software update failed!" And suggestions on what to do next? I am rooted and have not frozen or removed any apps. And I am on 4.04. The update was 338mb. Thanks for any help.
Let's clarify a couple things... Are we talking Droid RAZR (as the forum you've posted in), or the Galaxy Nexus (as your profile says)? Second, what does it say in the About Phone screen from within Menu, System settings?

The we'll tackle which version of the OTA you received and whether it's the right one or not. Also, being rooted CAN (though often doesn't) affect the install. And it may not be the root, but what you did AFTER rooting that is the cause for failure.
I changed my profile info. Sorry about that. I have a RazrMaxx. Not sure what you mean about what does it say. I am on 4.04. When I hit system updates it says update available. I downloaded said update and begin to install and it aborts.
I bought my phone used and the guy rooted it. What would make the install abort??? If it wasn't stock it wouldn't prompt to update under system update right?
140+ views and nothing???
See the RAZR Maxx forum thread titled "JB install keeps failing." FoxKat has a detailed post on this topic.

Sent from my DROID RAZR running 4.1.2