1. Are you one of the people who concerns themselves with battery life???
2. Do you want to help Team Liberty make Liberty the best ROM with the best battery life?
If both of these are true then read on...
I am attempting to tweak Liberty to enhance battery life... these tweaks, if they work well will make their way into the next release..
People who participate will be asked to follow the rules and directions in this post and will also be asked to report their battery life improvements.
1st... Some of the tweaks will involve changes to the framework-res so I will ask that you run only the default theme... I include a circle battery icon so we can track the usage better (credit to Tom108 for the images)
2nd... I will need you to wipe your battery stats..
3rd.. Please do not overclock or underclock your processor while running these tests
So lets get started
Install LibertyBattweak.zip
Download the LibertyBatteak.zip within this thread and save it to your sdcard
Open Liberty Tools and select -->reboot options-->Reboot Bootstrap
Select -->mounts and storage-->mount /system
you should now see unmount /system in its place
backout to the main menu by pressing the power button
select -->install zip from sdcard-->choose zip from sdcard-->"locate the file you save to your sdcard"
after the install is complete reboot
Wiping Battery stats
Charge your battery to 100%.
Open Liberty Tools and select -->reboot options-->Reboot Bootstrap
Select Advance--> Wipe Battery stats
Unplug your phone and select reboot.
Leave your phone unplugged and fully drain the battery. (Do not plug it back in, not to power nor your computer. Make sure it’s dead by trying to turn it back on)
Leaving the phone off, plug the phone back in and let it fully charge without interruption.
2. Do you want to help Team Liberty make Liberty the best ROM with the best battery life?
If both of these are true then read on...
I am attempting to tweak Liberty to enhance battery life... these tweaks, if they work well will make their way into the next release..
People who participate will be asked to follow the rules and directions in this post and will also be asked to report their battery life improvements.
1st... Some of the tweaks will involve changes to the framework-res so I will ask that you run only the default theme... I include a circle battery icon so we can track the usage better (credit to Tom108 for the images)
2nd... I will need you to wipe your battery stats..
3rd.. Please do not overclock or underclock your processor while running these tests
So lets get started
Install LibertyBattweak.zip
Download the LibertyBatteak.zip within this thread and save it to your sdcard
Open Liberty Tools and select -->reboot options-->Reboot Bootstrap
Select -->mounts and storage-->mount /system
you should now see unmount /system in its place
backout to the main menu by pressing the power button
select -->install zip from sdcard-->choose zip from sdcard-->"locate the file you save to your sdcard"
after the install is complete reboot
Wiping Battery stats
Charge your battery to 100%.
Open Liberty Tools and select -->reboot options-->Reboot Bootstrap
Select Advance--> Wipe Battery stats
Unplug your phone and select reboot.
Leave your phone unplugged and fully drain the battery. (Do not plug it back in, not to power nor your computer. Make sure it’s dead by trying to turn it back on)
Leaving the phone off, plug the phone back in and let it fully charge without interruption.
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