Is your phone suddenly defaulting to area code 617 when you only dial 7 digits? This is the fix. (
submitted 3 months ago by
For at least a few weeks now, my phone has been defaulting to area code 617. I assumed I probably broke it trying out some Cyanogenod nighties with the race up to 6.1, and didn't think too much of it. Now that i'm dealing with some new phone numbers, defaulting to 617 instead of my correct area code has been somewhat of a pain. Google didn't help, but it revealed a number of users with the same problems:
I then was lucky enough to find
this code snippet with the constant private static final String AREACODE = "617". Looking at the name seems to indicate that it's for testing an intent, and has a bit of additional functionality I hadn't noticed:
- Make default area code 617
- Replace 411 with 1-800-GOOG-411
- Disable calling 555-5555 (Try it, dialer just closes. As the code says, "Note that no UI is displayed to the user -- the call simply does not happen.")
Realizing now that the issue is with the Dialer app, I'd figured I'd just have to find an apk of that somewhere. Instead, I realized I had downloaded
Autostarts which lets you review intent handlers. Indeed, if you run Autostarts, you can see that under 'New Outgoing Call' there is an entry by Dialer. Clicking on that and you can see that the intent is handled by, which is exactly the code I found above. From here, you can just choose 'Disable' and autostarts will remove the intent, and you'll have your 7 digit phone numbers back without the 617 area code.
Note that I had to restart the Dialer for this change to work (or, rather, it crashed out from under me when I changed it). Though, there are no ill effects.
I can only assume a build of Cyanogenmod had this test facility enabled, and when I didnt' wipe during a ROM upgrade this persisted.
tl;dr: Use Autostarts and remove the Dialer entry from 'New Outgoing Call'