So I just got my new Rezound and love it! I was however dissapointed with the Beats Audio. First of all it only works with the stock music player which is lame since it only plays songs loaded on the device, thats so 5 years ago..... I copied over a few songs onto the SD card and fired up the stock music and used the beats headphones. it sounded good, nothing to write home about. I was also surpridsed at how not-loud it was at full volume. On my wifes ipod shuffle full volume is ear splittingly loud and crystal clear, the Rezound not so much. In fact using the Google Play Music app (the one that supports google cloud music which is the one everyone uses, duh, hello HTC) I was able to get better sound quality than Beats by using an app in the market I found called Volume+. it also gives me volume boost to make it louder and works in every music app. Anyone else have thoughts? Discuss.....