ICS Gmail.... Blacked Out!


Team B-boy™/Jedi Counsel
Premium Member
Theme Developer
Oct 10, 2010
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central Az
Xkape should be posting this in his section once he tests it on the Gnex but so far it's been fine... The ICS framework is quite different than the past so it took some trial and error getting the headers and footers to play nice.. But after fighting with it for a few hours I won!... lol

This is fully inverted, meaning everything has black backgrounds. In the past, the inner message had text color issues on certain emails when the sender uses its own background but the apk text color so I made the text a medium gray so it's readable on black or white backgrounds.. We'll prob make a different Gmail with a stock inner message screen though.

This is meant for ICS roms only I do believe... so if ya install it and it won't even open, you prob can't use it..

Installalation tips:

Use Titanium BackUp to uninstall your system apk Gmail or use Root Explorer to rename it from Gmail.apk to Gmail.apk.bak or just delete Gmail.. REBOOT on either method.. Then this installs like a normal app to the data partition.. If for some reason you have issues with the app stopping, try clearing cache in Gmail or move it to system and rename to Gmail.apk.. so far its been fine in data for me...

Download link:

1. http://bit.ly/403Gmailv2 ICS Gmail Version 4.0.3 - Fixes the undo bar messages (<b 1 b> deleted)

1. http://bit.ly/403Gmail ICS Gmail Version 4.0.3 - This should be good but report any issues

1. http://bit.ly/402ICSgmail ICS Gmail Version 4.0.2

2. http://bit.ly/ICSGmail40122 Inverted ICS Gmail Version 4.0.1

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OP updated to version 4.0.2
Looks great!

~the machine is nothing without the woman~
The number between the "<b> </b>" is the quantity of messages deleted. If I delete 3 its a 3 etc.
OP updated to version 4.0.3
OP updated.. fixed the undo bar messages text