(and at least one or two other similar utilities), will allow you to increase the Blue & Red slightly (5-15) to offset the warmer screen color and that will take the Yellow/Green tint away. You can play with the ratio between Red and Blue (as well as Green) and "calibrate" the screen to a close visual approximation to White where White should be. The only downfalls to this method are as follows:
[*]When the screen brightness changes, the warmth of the screen colors change as well, sort of like when you dim a lightbulb and it goes from White to a Reddish Yellow. This natural trend will impact how the Screen Adjuster will affect the overall screen colors, such that at lower screen brightness you may find it needs slightly more adjustment away from the Yellow/Green and towards the Blue & Red.
[*]I found that when Screen Adjuster is active, APK files that are downloaded to the SD Card from sources other than the Play Store (such as a website,, or already stored from a backup), will not install properly, due to the "Install" button being grayed out. If you go into Settings, Applications, Running Services, and kill the Screen Adjuster first, then the APK will install properly. It's a strange bug but 100% reproducible.
Aside from those two issues, I've found it quite effective.