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I miss you, OG Droid

I bought the OG Droid in November of 2009 and loved it every day. I did so many great things with it from rooting to overclocking to wifi tethering to playing games and taking it with me to the gym using grooveshark for my daily music. Fast forward to last month, I got the Nexus. I love the nexus, it does everything I was hoping it could do and will continue to be the open source unlocked phone that the Droid was back in its day. I just wanted to say that for those of you who still have the OG, it was a fantastic phone and it should still continue to get love from its users.

I feel certain that this phone will continue to have an underground community that works on Roms, kernels, and OSs for the OG.

I currently keep my OG with me at all times. I have found many MANY uses for it, including:

- Running grooveshark through my speakers and having an entertainment system without being interrupted by phone calls/text messages.
- GPS unit in the car (running tether with my nexus and having the OG on the mount works perfectly).
- Emulator/gaming station for NES/SNES games - works perfectly with a wii mote bluetoothed.
- Storage for pictures/files/music.
- Dropbox app lets me access those files and upload them as well.
- MANY MANY others....

Just thought I'd indulge in a little nostalgia here and mention this to everyone!
I miss my OG droid so much lol:frown: i HAD to switch to the droid pro because my power button has become recessed and i couldnt do anything anymore. It really is a fantastic phone. It started it all, with out the OG droid idk how they would've come up with the droid 2, droid 3, droid pro etc.

I bought the OG Droid in November of 2009 and loved it every day. I did so many great things with it from rooting to overclocking to wifi tethering to playing games and taking it with me to the gym using grooveshark for my daily music. Fast forward to last month, I got the Nexus. I love the nexus, it does everything I was hoping it could do and will continue to be the open source unlocked phone that the Droid was back in its day. I just wanted to say that for those of you who still have the OG, it was a fantastic phone and it should still continue to get love from its users.

I feel certain that this phone will continue to have an underground community that works on Roms, kernels, and OSs for the OG.

I currently keep my OG with me at all times. I have found many MANY uses for it, including:

- Running grooveshark through my speakers and having an entertainment system without being interrupted by phone calls/text messages.
- GPS unit in the car (running tether with my nexus and having the OG on the mount works perfectly).
- Emulator/gaming station for NES/SNES games - works perfectly with a wii mote bluetoothed.
- Storage for pictures/files/music.
- Dropbox app lets me access those files and upload them as well.
- MANY MANY others....

Just thought I'd indulge in a little nostalgia here and mention this to everyone!
Still using my og until march. Ice cream sandwich alpha on xda if you aren't aware. If you are aware and haven't tried it in a while, it has come a long way. Amazing. Long live the OG
Still using my og until march. Ice cream sandwich alpha on xda if you aren't aware. If you are aware and haven't tried it in a while, it has come a long way. Amazing. Long live the OG

Yeah I've got it flashed on my little Wifi OG. Surprisingly, it works pretty decent, but if I was using my OG as my main phone, I'm not quite sure I could deal with the annoyances.
Yeah I've got it flashed on my little Wifi OG. Surprisingly, it works pretty decent, but if I was using my OG as my main phone, I'm not quite sure I could deal with the annoyances.
Yeah that is true but the progress he has made in the past 3 weeks is pretty crazy so I'm hopeful a stable update will come along soon.
I miss mine too. I was an early adopter of Android, not day off release but very soon thereafter and had I not dropped it, I would have still had it to this day. Tried to get a warranty replacement and all they had were Droid 2 star wars which while technically speaking it was an upgrade. But in actuality it was a downgrade. I missed my OG every day and still do. I feel like my nexus will carry on but there will always be a special place for the OG.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Wow, what a great idea! I'm almost embarrassed to say I hadn't thought of actually USING my original Moto Droid, once I move on (and I'll be moving on sometime next month [Feb]). Taking and keeping pix and vids, playing the music that's currently stored on it, etc.

Thanks Pooo... :icon_ lala:
I love my OG, finally went out n tested these new devices (razr, gnex, etc.) I have to say I'm staying with OG....those phones feel like plastic toys
Still rolling with my OG I have an upgrade in Feb. Not sure which phone to roll with. Might just keep my OG as a backup though!
I love my OG, finally went out n tested these new devices (razr, gnex, etc.) I have to say I'm staying with OG....those phones feel like plastic toys

With you on this one bro...
Prices gotta come down a lot before I give in.....
Maybe D4 will be the answer....

Did notice dinc2 on Amazon for. 01...
Got 2 already and they are nice...
Its only 3g.
posted tomorrow using the space time continuum app on my D1...
Gonna mount mine in a picture frame and mount it on the wall..j/k! My wife thinks she is going to take it over..hahahahahha! OG still going strong here with my original purchase going on 2 yrs. dancedroid
I bought mine day after launch. (had to make sure it was as good as rumored) Switched to VZW from ATT (second smartest move i made behind the purchase of the OG itself). Ive loved this phone ever since. It is the Benchmark all other phones are measured against. I've yet to find one that comes close to the feel of quality in your hand, or the perfect size.

Ive since upgraded to the Droid 3 and completely regret it. The main reason for the jump is I cracked the screen on my 2 year old droid and took advantage of my upgrade. Now im probably gonna sell my D3, and continue using my wifes old OG (she's since upgraded to the nexus) until something truly worth while comes out.

I truly love this little phone. It is unparallelled in my opinion.
I honestly don't miss my D1. Don't get me wrong. Great phone! But truthfully my Gnex destroys my D1 in all regards for me. :biggrin: I am keeping my D1 though. :icon_ lala: But I have kept all my cell phones over the years. :p
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I refused to sell mine, but when a good friend was in real need of a working phone and couldn't afford a decent one; I passed it on to him for free. Better it live on in someone elses hands, rather than in a drawer because I am overly nostalgic. For him, it was like receiving the absolute latest and greatest device out there.