Just a warning to you and others...even dirt on your finger can scratch the screen. It only has to be something that is abrasive and hard enough to cut through the first layer of the Gorilla Glass. Since the extra hardness coating (doping) is relatively thin, once the coating has been breeched, the glass below will continue to scratch. I have scratched my Droid 2 screen in 3 places and all were due to having sediment from the ground (mainly dirt) on my finger when I used it. I even wiped my finger off before using the phone, but there was still enough in the fingerprint grooves of my finger to cause the scratching.
Also, a screen wipe with something that has any abrasive on it could cause scratching. Believe it or not, paper towels can contain highly abrasive particles and should NEVER be used to wipe any glass or highly polished metal surface. Even a microfiber screen wipe could cause damage if it contains any sediment that was collected from something else it has wiped off. To be 99% sure, keep only one washable eyeglass wiping cloth for the phone only, and wash it frequently. To be 100% sure, use disposable eyeglass wipes. Also, wipe once across the entire screen with a very light pressure (to remove any possible deposited abrasive particulates), then turn the cloth or wipe over and use the clean side to do the final cleaning with normal pressure.
Things such as keys and most other objects carried in a pocket are not hard enough (Moh's scale) to impart damage to the doped layer of the Gorilla Glass. This means, if you're careful what you actually rub against the glass on your finger, you'll probably do no harm to the glass in your pocket. The case is another matter. The metal exterior is subject to scratching (except for the Kevlar), so unless you don't mind your pristine frame around the phone being less than beautiful in a few weeks, I strongly suggest you avoid carrying the phone in the same pocket with any items such as keys.