I have one friend whose Facebook just will not be recognized by my phone. First, it didn't sync using the FB app or Moto Social Networking thing (whichever it is that connects phone contacts to their Facebook accounts). The Phone contacts entry linked to the Google Contacts entry without a problem. However, her Facebook will not sync - it doesn't have her picture, birthday, Facebook link, or anything. I hide most of my Facebook friends, keeping visible only those I want as phone entries, but she does not appear in the hidden list, either. To top it off, I just downloaded SyncMyPix because we all know the Droid Pro doesn't sync Facebook pictures, and when I synced, she didn't show up in that list, either! She definitely has a Facebook and we are definitely Facebook friends.
Is there any possible reason why this happens for ONE friend?
(I am not excluding the possibility that there may be someone else whose Facebook didn't sync, either, but perhaps it's someone I don't talk to so I never noticed. I haven't checked one-by-one, so I can't offer proof that this isn't the case. However, everyone else I do talk to and a ton of people I don't have synced fine.)
Is there any possible reason why this happens for ONE friend?
(I am not excluding the possibility that there may be someone else whose Facebook didn't sync, either, but perhaps it's someone I don't talk to so I never noticed. I haven't checked one-by-one, so I can't offer proof that this isn't the case. However, everyone else I do talk to and a ton of people I don't have synced fine.)