Recently had to replace my Droid 4 under warranty due to numerous issues. This was about 3 days after my old Droid 4 had updated to ICS.
On August 24th the Verizon staff switched my SD card over to the new phone, transferred my data, and then ran the download to update to ICS.
I can see ALL my pictures when I go to my gallery in my phone. Everything that is on the SD card is viewable.
When i plug it in via USB to transfer the image files to my desktop I cant see them all, no matter what I do.
There are 3 "USB computer connection" options:
1. Mass Storage => my computer => MOT ( L: )
i cant see anything from my gallery in any of the folders with this option. DCIM is empty and when i open "pictures" all i see is a single folder labeled screenshots. nothing else anywehere.
if i go to Removable Disk ( M: ) => DCIM => camera
i can see all the images from July 2010 (the first day i started taking pics on this SD card) up until May 1st. but thats the problem... there is nothing there after May 1st.
2. Media Device (MTP) => open device to view files:
i see options for Internal Storage - DCIM has 2 folders for thumbs but is otherwise empty. Pictures folder also empty
other option is SD card - i assumed this is the the option i want.
but i open it and click on DCIM => "camera" and all i see are pictures taken since August 24th. so basically just for the past week. nothing else is there. why???
3. Camera PTP
when i open "my computer" there is an icon of a camera labeled "DROID 4"
i click it on it and the folder is empty, then it freezes up my computer for a few minutes. nothing else there.
so to recap:
i cant figure out a way to view my entire gallery on my pc in order to transfer all my picture/video files.
when i open the phone on the pc, no matter what i do i cant see any of the images taken between May 1 and August 24th.
this is incredibly frustrating. I dont understand how motorola/google can spend so much time and money developing this platform yet there is no simple way to transfer files or even view everything on the sd card in one place. wtf?!
On August 24th the Verizon staff switched my SD card over to the new phone, transferred my data, and then ran the download to update to ICS.
I can see ALL my pictures when I go to my gallery in my phone. Everything that is on the SD card is viewable.
When i plug it in via USB to transfer the image files to my desktop I cant see them all, no matter what I do.
There are 3 "USB computer connection" options:
1. Mass Storage => my computer => MOT ( L: )
i cant see anything from my gallery in any of the folders with this option. DCIM is empty and when i open "pictures" all i see is a single folder labeled screenshots. nothing else anywehere.
if i go to Removable Disk ( M: ) => DCIM => camera
i can see all the images from July 2010 (the first day i started taking pics on this SD card) up until May 1st. but thats the problem... there is nothing there after May 1st.
2. Media Device (MTP) => open device to view files:
i see options for Internal Storage - DCIM has 2 folders for thumbs but is otherwise empty. Pictures folder also empty
other option is SD card - i assumed this is the the option i want.
but i open it and click on DCIM => "camera" and all i see are pictures taken since August 24th. so basically just for the past week. nothing else is there. why???
3. Camera PTP
when i open "my computer" there is an icon of a camera labeled "DROID 4"
i click it on it and the folder is empty, then it freezes up my computer for a few minutes. nothing else there.
so to recap:
i cant figure out a way to view my entire gallery on my pc in order to transfer all my picture/video files.
when i open the phone on the pc, no matter what i do i cant see any of the images taken between May 1 and August 24th.
this is incredibly frustrating. I dont understand how motorola/google can spend so much time and money developing this platform yet there is no simple way to transfer files or even view everything on the sd card in one place. wtf?!
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