HTC Thunderbolt Release Date

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To the Feb 24th doubters....

Pay attention to the bottom topic in the pic.


Does the words "Now Available" appear to you? :)
Pay attention to the bottom topic in the pic.


Does the words "Now Available" appear to you? :)

From what I recall, that pictures a week or two old. Wouldn't place much faith in it. I'm all in for february. March 3rd at the LATEST.

sent from my D1 on Sappphire 2.0.2. via droidforums app.
What credible information have they released? I have not seen any and have been around here for awhile and was following them on twitter I called them out once when one was supposed to have the tbolt and a white IPhone which has been a fairy tail from the begining why would they release a white Iphone4 when the 5 is coming out in a few months?

No wonder you haven't seen anybody prove their track record. You just joined this month. That hardly qualifies as being around "a while," and certainly doesn't qualify you as being here long enough to start questioning people or demanding evidence. Can you link us to the proof that the iPhone 5 is coming to Verizon this summer?

If you read the blogs on other sites than there has been whispers about the switching well maybe a little more than whispers.

I hope you're not speculating since you've made it clear that you hate it when people do that on this forum. Same with the 3G/4G handoffs. Can you offer proof (especially since voice isn't transmitted on the bands in question?)

The Droid brandname has been the flagship devices of Verizon since the inception of the Android operating system in Verizon, they have not halted the use of the name since the Bionic has been Branded Droid it has nothing to do with Motorola it is Verizon's way of naming these devices. I have not heard any reasion for the thunderbolt not carrying the name, have you?

The inception of the Android operating system on Verizon? Yeah, that DROID Eris was a real flagship phone…

I understand the the locking out the Bionic is a pain but it;s only a period of time probably before it's released that someone smarter than I figures out how to root one. I must tell you I am not a big fan of motorolla and look fwd to a phone that is better sold by Verizon.

You don’t understand. A locked bootloader has nothing to do with rooting. The Bionic will be rooted within days of release, if it isn’t already rooted by the release date. A locked bootloader will not be hacked, however, so no custom roms. That’s a shame too, seeing how ugly Blur is.

HTC has made great strides and they already have anounced a bunch of new phones since the CES. The longer this takes the closer that something better will be right around the corner. The issue as it is or was with skype andd the switching is software not hardware related and would be taken care of during the initialization of the phone and I do know what I am talking about and I have no wish of making statements that I can't probve since it would probbably get me fired. P.S. Don't look for it on the 24th that is a fact!

Now the issue is skype? That’s been known for a few days, but then you go back to talking about the 3g/4G handoff. Why you insist that this would have already been taken care of during initialization, I have no idea. Even more evident, you have no idea.
My local rep just told me via text message the following:

"Thunderbolt will be here on thursday. I am off but will come in if I know what time you are coming. How many did you need?"

its happening guys. And the 29.99 unlimited data remains, including 3G/4G.

Any idea how long it will be $29.99 unlimited data?

Are you seriously asking that right now? lol some of you are really funny

Sent from my Droid using DroidForums App

And youre not. lol
Calm down you will be all right.
Said earlier 2/24 is a hope. But I may go iPhone if vzw keeps bsn

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App

Don't, I went that route yesterday and it only took me less than 24 hours to find that its a POS compared to the Droid. Its a really smooth OS and the keyboard is nice but that's it. I took it back today and reactivated my OG Droid untill the bolt or something better hits.

Trust me you will regret it.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
Pay attention to the bottom topic in the pic.


Does the words "Now Available" appear to you? :)

From what I recall, that pictures a week or two old. Wouldn't place much faith in it. I'm all in for february. March 3rd at the LATEST.

sent from my D1 on Sappphire 2.0.2. via droidforums app.

It's fresh today bud.
All you people complaining about this phones release and threatening to switch carriers or go with the iphone, or the dx should just do it already, more 4g for me and my pals here on the forums lol:)
-to all you bionic lovers: THIS THREAD IS NOT FOR YOU, I'm not hating but you do of course realize that the name of this thread does not have Bionic anywhere, and all your going to do is simply rattle off the specs and tell us the bionic is better, I don't see a phone as better by the overall specs, its what the specs can do for me
-to all you fickle people: go ahead and leave, less "I think ill go for the iphone" comments, have fun on an already year old phone
-to all you THUNDERBOLT JUNKIES just like me:
Hear the thunder roll
And see it take its toll
On the fruit of yesterday
Android is taking over today!( hopefully in Feb:) lol )

Sent from my Droid using DroidForums App
Lightning strikes twice
On this Nikola Tesla device
VZW rolls the dice
Frankenstein comes to life
That is when we get a launch date and a price

sent from stock dx
Keep it classy guys. Lets stick to honest discussion, not ad homonym attacks. We should all be excited that this phone is coming soon and ignore the trolls/Bionic fanboys.
VZW just posted a 4G video on their Facebook page saying 4G LTE is here. The ramp up continues with no device in sight.
Those two guys are full of it miami and blackmanx if it does come out thursday which is doubtfull it won't come from there inside info, an educated guess at best.
There is obviously a problem with something in the phone and it;s not skype. An educated guess by reading the blogs would be with the switchover from 3 to 4g causing dropped calls, that is a big deal and they need to know that is working properly.
People are calling this a flagship device lol.... it doesn't even have the droid logo on it and will be upstaged by the Bionic in a very short time. All the attention with the Thunderbolt is drawing the attention away from the bionic which most likely is having the same issues with the switching, once the Thunderbolt is released the Bionic willl be right behind it. Remember the Atrix is the same basically as the Bionic..... OK not exactally the same I know the specs but that will ne the flagship for a little while anyway!

Wow, this is so far off that it isn't even funny.

First, from what I hear, they both have proven track records here.

Second, if your guess is so educated, why do you think the 3G to 4G transfer is causing dropped calls if voice is not transmitted by EVDO or LTE?

Third, wtf is a "droid logo?" Whatever it is, the original Droid (a flagship phone) doesn't have it.

Fourth, the Bionic will not upstage the Thunderbolt as the Thunderbolt has some specs that are better as well as the Bionic having some specs that are better. They are meant to both be high-end devices that will compete with each other.

Fifth, if the Bionic is a flagship device and the Thunderbolt isn't, why are you claiming that the Thunderbolt is drawing so much attention away from the Bionic?

Sixth, you talk about people making unfounded claims, then say the 3G/4G handover is a Thunderbolt AND Bionic issue, based on no proof.

Seventh, the Bionic and Atrix are not "basically" the same phone. They're quite different.

In a single post you: called out people who have proven to be trusted sources, offered claims with no proof, made "educated" guesses about technology you obviously don't even comprehend, and created "facts".
And you can't spell.

Not trying to be a jerk, but if you're going to come in here and be one, then...


10 char
asked Miami if March 3 was the next realistic date...he said maybe not, not sure which way to take that (if it could still be earlier, if it might be later)
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