HTC Droid eris Battery life


New Member
Dec 30, 2009
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How is everyones battery life? My mom and fiancee keep complaining that there battery only lasts a few hours after they charge it. Is there a problem with the battery or should I get a task killer app for them? Thanks for the info .
Yes, the battery is short lived when you first receive it, Mostly because you will be using it quite often as you explore the device.
However it will have to be charged daily. My friends who have iphone tell me they need to recharge daily also. Of course it really depends on how much you are using all the apps. If you are watching videos and other streaming apps then it will use your battery more.
Remember this is not only a phone but a small computer.

Some things you can do to lower consumption rates.
1. When not using WiFi turn it off.
2. If not using it, turn off the bluthooth
3. Adjust the screen timeout to sleep at 1 minute.
4. Lower the brightness of the screen.

For my part I keep the USB plugged in and charging the battery from my laptop any time I am at the computer. Because of my work I have to have my phone on 24/7. So I also have a charger by the bed and one in the car. The chargers I had for my old cell phone (Motorola) work with my Eris too so I didn't have to go out and buy additional chargers.
All I heard about before I got my Eris was how terrible the battery was. For the first 2 days I was like "Oh no, it is true." I then realized that it was because I was on the phone ever minute looking at apps, playing with it and texting all day for 2 days straight. I don't have a lot of apps on my phone but I text constant throughout the day because I'm a college student and that's the easiest way to get ahold of people who are in class and such. But I let it drain all the way dead a couple of days ago and fully charge it all the way again and I have been getting 1 1/2 days out of it recently. I don't have a task killer on mine.
All I heard about before I got my Eris was how terrible the battery was. For the first 2 days I was like "Oh no, it is true." I then realized that it was because I was on the phone ever minute looking at apps, playing with it and texting all day for 2 days straight. I don't have a lot of apps on my phone but I text constant throughout the day because I'm a college student and that's the easiest way to get ahold of people who are in class and such. But I let it drain all the way dead a couple of days ago and fully charge it all the way again and I have been getting 1 1/2 days out of it recently. I don't have a task killer on mine.

Same here. The various taskillers in the app store are useless - Android has its own memory management that functions just fine.

Keep in mind some apps keeps the phone on all the time, even if you put it to sleep. Youmail is one of them. Check your Up Time if you are curious if your phone is really sleeping.