HTC 10 Top Features : Camera Overhaul!


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Oct 6, 2011
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It has been awhile, but HTC finally has a best in class camera again! The past few flagships have lost focus when it comes to the camera department. HTC chose to gamble with fancy features like a dual camera with added depth in photos, or replacing Megapixels with a fourth as many Ultra Pixels. Each experience while innovative just wasn't well thought out and we ended up with a ho hum experience.

When it comes to a cell phone's success one of the most important aspects is camera quality. HTC seems to finally have a winner on their hands. This time they have played it safe with the HTC Camera. We have a 12 UltraPixel camera with f1.8lens. These UltraPixles are larger at 1.55 micron just like the Nexus 6P which means this camera will be a low light power house.

This camera does one better than the Nexus 6P however in that it also includes optical image stabilization! If that wasn't enough you also get a laser focus! This is one heck of a camera guys!

HTC also understands how important selfies are these days and have included optical image stabilization on the front camera as well. The camera here are a huge improvement over the past few, but will it be enough to catapult HTC back to relevancy? I guess we shall see.