To save you the trouble of the read, free memory isnt really a good thing. Its actually very useless. Android will manage the processes on its own and keep things you frequently use in memory so that you can access it quicker. Apps running in the memory use the same amount of resources as the free memory.
All of that being said, task killers are not all bad as some will have you believe. They're bad if you use an auto kill feature and become obsessive about killing apps. However, not all apps are written too well and some will either stay on when you don't want them to, or leave certain processes running after you've stopped using it (like leave your gps running for instance). Now these apps my otherwise work really well, but small problems like that can really negatively impact battery life and overall performance. Its for these kinds of apps that I keep a task killer around. When an app hangs up, or if I use an app with sensitive information I don't want to leave open, I just hit the task killer widget, and problem solved. You can do this through the settings menu already built into the phone, I just find that having a one click widget on the homescreen makes it all so much easier.
Sorry to ramble on, hope that helps you though.