How did you get Droided?

My new every 2 is up at the ned of january so I need a new phone qanqd I am sick of how limited my blackberry is. I've always wanted an iphone and finally Verizon has their iphone contender, it's a no brainer for me.
I was actually about ready to cancel my verizon contract. I had an LG Chocolate and was ticked that they couldn't manage to get my bill to read correctly and that my plan was so much higher than I could get elsewhere. The issue made it's way up the corporate ladder and landed in the executive manager's office that called me back.

He fixed the billing issues, reduced my plan cost and talked about an upgrade (as the LG Chocolate was not serving my needs). He pitched the Storm2 at me but I was a bit weary as there were so many issues with Storm1. But I took it. Three days later I called him back directly because the phone was a big ol' POS. He told me that for $20 more I could get Droid.

I took it. For awhile there (read: this is my FOURTH Droid) I regretted it, but now it seems to be working just fine - although I am recently getting some lag but I'm pretty sure that is an app issue.
I had an LG Flip Chocolate for like 3 years and my wife happened to be at the Verizon store renewing a contract. She called me and asked if I wanted a new phone, which one I'd want...Boom, no brainer. I love my wife...but I love my droid too. :heart:
I had an iphone 3g, cracked the screen and told myself i was leaving att when the phone was destroyed. Dropped the iphone again on accident (i swear) and jumped ship to verizon.
First smartphone, knowing anything open source would be better than sliced bread, the Droid was it. Played with one for about an hour in store, my wife and I wanted OUT of the death star network, she had nothing but issues since coming up north - we wnt thru three phones, from her moto to a samsung to a nokia, and they still had the audacity to say it wasn't the network, doh!

Hmmm, VZ, no issue syet on either phone, she got a LG choc touch, and I the Droid. Never looked back.
I had a BB Storm well about 5 of them, then the BB tour about 4 of them. I tried to hold off to see if I could get a BB that worked the way it was supposed to, but then said F**K it and got the DROID and have been happy I did.
I had a BB Pearl and was coming due for my NE2. I was holding out for the BB Storm 2 when I was watching the Phillies and saw the first "iDon't" commercial... I immediately Googled the Droid and decided, since it was coming out 2 weeks after the Storm 2, to wait and try out the Droid... if I hated it after 2 weeks, I'd return it and get the Storm 2.

No dice....since getting the Droid in my hands, my thoughts of getting a Storm went right out the window.... Blackberry? What's a Blackberry!? :D
Getting ready to get another Blackberry Storm 2 at Verizon Store (third) and they were busy so I had time to look around. Left with the Droid instead (30 day exchange).
I got excited about the Droid reading about it on viigo on my old storm. The storm was my introduction to smartphones, I took the training wheels off and bought the Droid full retail. My contract is up next Sept, just in time for the Droid2!
Made the mistake of reading up on it online, then stopping by the ZW store on the way home from work.....Hooked!
I definitely was not going to switch away from Verizon. My contract expired in July and so I went month to month and started comparing smartphones. Didn't like any of the Blackberries- friends liked their Storms but I wasn't impressed after playing with it. When the Palm Pre came out along with the news that Verizon would be getting it in early 2010, I decided that looked good and I would just wait.

Then all the Droid billboards appeared. I walked into a VZW store just to take a look, started playing with one, verified it could connect to my corporate email, and walked out with a box in my hand. Done! Just past 30 days now and completely happy with it. My coworker has a Pre on Sprint and is bitter and jealous of my Droid. My other coworker has an iPhone and I slide the keyboard open and shut, and make loud comments about "wow, only 480x320?" to taunt him. Much fun.
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AT&Ts terribleness mostly. I was very aware of Android and kind of a Google fanboy. Android i knew as a whole was going to grow and since i use Google Sync,i figured might as well have a With Google branded phone (came from an iPhone 3GS). I absolutely love Verizon's service!
I've been pretty obsessed with Android since about 2 years ago when I bought a g1...even though it wasn't activated it was still amazing (and turned an amazing profit on ebay =) but yeah I was planning on extending my contract and switching plans from Alltel, but I was lucky enough to win my droid from boygeniusreport!
I started off on Alltel with a HTC Touch Pro. Being that it was my first smartphone, all the good stuff out-weighed the bad. I soon saw that the Touch Pro's hardware combined with a sometimes finicky Windows Mobile equaled an overall poor experience. Then, 5 Touch Pros later I began researching Android and decided I'd give it a go, along with Motorola. Never looking back lol
I saw those I don't commercials during a football game. looked up Droid the next day. Waited about 2 months and bugged my brother (works for Verizon) damn near every day. lol