Honestly Coming from Blackberry Tour, What to Do About Touch Keyboard!

I had better keyboard too, and it wasn't better. You're "better" off using the android keyboard, it's more precise. btw, I had a Tour too. If the tour was as fast as the droid, I take the BB back in a heartbeat.

I use the Droid keyboard. Works well for me. I failed trying to use Swype, and I'll admit that I may be the only one in this forum that could not use Swype.

I just found out last night that Swype is not going to be around forever, only as long as the developer allows it. I'd take that into consideration when developing your texting style.
yea but once its on our phones it'll be there forever
I guess I should try using the physical keyboard more I guess I just never feel like opening up the entire phone but okay that makes sense I would just think that if the iPhone can text like a maniac on the touch screen keyboard I don't see why we would not be able to do the same.
I have Zero problems typing on the Touch Keyboard. I think it's just you and what you are used to. you either need to get used to it as to where you are as good as everyone else. or you need to start using the Physical. There is nothing wrong with the Touch Keyboard
Like anything else, its what you get used to.

I use only the stock keyboards.. I can txt just as fast as anyone on the physical keyboard (my first choice) or on the landscape keyboard. The portrait keyboard is too small for me to try to use with two hands so I'll only one hand that. I've had a txt race with my daughter (who sends 3k out per month) and I can beat her. :icon_ banana:

So, just give it a little more time
I'd go back to 2.0.1 on your phone, and if the rebooting continues, get it replaced, could be faulty. As for keyboard, use Swype, it's generally fast, though sometimes it's annoying when it types duck or ducking when I mean f.......
I had better keyboard too, and it wasn't better. You're "better" off using the android keyboard, it's more precise. btw, I had a Tour too. If the tour was as fast as the droid, I take the BB back in a heartbeat.

I use the Droid keyboard. Works well for me. I failed trying to use Swype, and I'll admit that I may be the only one in this forum that could not use Swype.

I just found out last night that Swype is not going to be around forever, only as long as the developer allows it. I'd take that into consideration when developing your texting style.
What do you mean Swype won't be around forever. Will they actually take it off the market completely or will we have to pay for it?
I had better keyboard too, and it wasn't better. You're "better" off using the android keyboard, it's more precise. btw, I had a Tour too. If the tour was as fast as the droid, I take the BB back in a heartbeat.

The ONLY thing that makes you keep the Droid over a BB is the speed? Seriously? Wow...

I can't count all the reasons I like the Droid and Android better than my previous Blackberrys and RIMs OS.
I heard that Swype was programmed like a Trial where it expires after a certain amount of time or after a certain date. We'll see...
I heard that Swype was programmed like a Trial where it expires after a certain amount of time or after a certain date. We'll see...
Ahh, maybe. I hope with all of us "beta testing" it for them, they throw us a bone and put it on the Market, not just sell it to manufacturers for technology.
I had better keyboard too, and it wasn't better. You're "better" off using the android keyboard, it's more precise. btw, I had a Tour too. If the tour was as fast as the droid, I take the BB back in a heartbeat.

I use the Droid keyboard. Works well for me. I failed trying to use Swype, and I'll admit that I may be the only one in this forum that could not use Swype.

I just found out last night that Swype is not going to be around forever, only as long as the developer allows it. I'd take that into consideration when developing your texting style.
What do you mean Swype won't be around forever. Will they actually take it off the market completely or will we have to pay for it?

Its not on/in the market.
I had better keyboard too, and it wasn't better. You're "better" off using the android keyboard, it's more precise. btw, I had a Tour too. If the tour was as fast as the droid, I take the BB back in a heartbeat.

The ONLY thing that makes you keep the Droid over a BB is the speed? Seriously? Wow...

I can't count all the reasons I like the Droid and Android better than my previous Blackberrys and RIMs OS.

This. Just wow :icon_rolleyes: Faster? Erm, no.
Something worth mentioning is that I have been using the vertical touch keyboard for about a week or two and I have come to one major conclusion... STOP PRESSING DOWN SO HARD! I can't believe what a difference that made on my phone! Typing is way way more accurate and much quicker etc.
I am a long time user of the Palm Treo which has a great keyboard. I couldn't do anything with the Droid keyboard. Hated it. And to echo others:

Swype is the greatest app you'll ever install. Try it, it's free.