Here's how I ruined my first Droid


New Member
Feb 3, 2010
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Hello everyone. I've been using this forum for a couple months and had to finally sign up because I wanted to share this with you. So, I contacted Zagg, because my first Invisashield (sp?) got damaged. Lifetime free warantee my a**, had to pay the $4 shipping. Its not the $4 that bugged me, just the principle. Anyways, Ill get to the point.

So I was installing the new protector, with the liquid and the sponge. Had my phone turned off, because rubbing my phone down with a wet sponge makes me nervous. So, I let it dry, turn it on, and low and behold my moto symbol pops up, flickers, and screen goes black. Instantly, I knew something was up. The phone got very, very hot, so I pulled the batt and went to verizon. They reluctantly gave me a new one (thank God), and said they didn't know what's goin on. I'm sure some of the installation fluid got into the speaker hole and shorted the screen. I played dumb, but this was the second time I've done put these on, and didn't dump that solution on either. Zagg refused to do anything.

Anyone else done this or how'd u ruin your first droid??
Because I'm an electrician, and my phone goes through hell
Because some of us like to keep our screens pretty.

Also I had the same fear when I installed mine. I've had a few people complain they can't always hear me so I've been curious if the fluid might of messed with the speaker.
I don't want this to turn into a thread about how tough the screen is because that's not what the OP intended. However, my first Droid (which I longer have due to a defect that was not related to the screen) got a decent sized nick in the screen because I didn't user a screen protector. I was using the Verizon shell/holster combo and I have to assume that some sand or grit got in there and is what caused the scratch. I was very careful with it and constantly cleaned it with a microfiber cloth. The Droid's gorilla glass screen is not scratch proof. It may be stronger that a standard glass screen, but it just takes a substance that is harder than the glass to scratch it. A car key may not be as hard as the glass, which is why there are videos that show a key bring rubbed against the screen without doing any harm. To help tie this in with the original subject of this thread, liquid AND sand shouldn't get anywhere near this phone.
+2 for VZW Screen Protector.....Applied first time and you can't even tell its on the unit.. I do have an extra if ANYONE wants it....:motdroidhoriz:
I don't bother with screen protectors..I hate when there's bubbles in the screen and putting a liquid on it just sounds like a bad idea
+2 for VZW Screen Protector.....Applied first time and you can't even tell its on the unit.. I do have an extra if ANYONE wants it....:motdroidhoriz:

Ive used a Zagg invisishield with everyone one of my mobile devices and never looked back. When I pull them off after long months of wear and tear, the screen is as good as new. And Im a drunk fool who is HARD on phones.
...had to pay the $4 shipping...
Only $4? My Ghost Armor replacement was $5 for shipping, which also includes all of the side / back protectors (it looks like something hit my screen and caused the screen protector to bunch up).

I got a replacement for my first Droid because the volume was way too low. Though afterwards I realized it was probably the first screen protector I put on that didn't have a speaker hole cut out. It was an extra, generic screen protector from my digital camera that I had to cut out and fit.
Not only that, but it seemed to me that the bare glass smudged much worse than the protective screens.
I did the exact same thing as the OP! Anyone installing a screen protector on the Droid should be VERY CAREFUL of this. I've installed numerous screen protectors on other devices and never had this problem - it really didn't take a lot of fluid to screw up my first Droid.