Haha im offended you think i wouldnt actually check the contact us section of their website. I found that too after 30 seconds, its the rest of the month its taken to get in contact with them thats the problem. That number takes you to an automated system, then when you get through to a person (if you can), BANG india baby, or on rare occasion, if youre really lucky and the stars align, the Philippines .
Here is the situation. I placed an order on their website for a bunch of items that I was going to give as gifts for Xmas. I placed the order on Dec 2, after about 2 weeks I called to check on the order. They told me that they had a problem with their system and that my order hadn't been shipped, but they would send it next day air. 2 days go by, I call back again, they tell me the same thing, their bad, but theyll next day air it to me. This happens about 2 more times. Then I finally call them and get a manager in india, he then informs me that the items are now sold out. I tell them its unacceptable that this happened, blah blah bah. Nothing gets resolved, they tell me they can't even cancel my order because its in some sort of limbo. I call back again and they tell me they finally got the items and will ship it to me at a discounted price and next day air. I call back the next day (cuz i know whats been happening ) and I find out my order has been canceled. Sprinkled in between those encounters are ones where I call and deal with a representative for a while, and they hang up on me because they no longer want to deal with the situation. By this time it is already after Christmas and I had to essentially tell the people I was getting gifts for that there was a huge shipping problem and I'll have to make it up to them, so Moto's poor business practices end up making me look bad.
This is not acceptable. To add insult to injury, the last 2 times I called I had dealt with someone named "Jim", of course thats not his real name. So I call back asking to speak with Jim, but now all of a sudden theyre not allowed to put me in contact with the manager thats been handling my issue. So they put me through to another "manage". I ask him to let me speak with Jim, he informs me that he doesnt know who Jim is, probably because people in india don't name their kids Jim or Jeff (two names I was given). They also tell me they have no number, and no way of getting in contact with Moto in the united states. I asked "so how do you get orders or coordinate if theres no way to contact each other" to which they had no response.
And on top of all of this, the camera on my droid just does not work anymore. And its a hardware issue (separate issue but just adds to my frustration). I've purchased a lot of moto phones in the past, bought a droid, convinced family members and friends to buy moto droids and droid x's, and I planned on buying their new LTE phone and possibly their tablet. But now after this horrible experience, I don't know if I want to invest money in a company that is essentially unreachable and is going to turn its back on me. I've convince at least 10 people to buy moto phones in the last year. So I want to talk to someone with actual authority and see if its possible for them to remedy the situation.