help! never had this problem before!


New Member
Jan 4, 2011
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0 my phone was almost dead, i have the original droid, i was walking back to my room to carge it and it slipped out of my hand. and fell on the carpet. the battery and back fell off. it's happened before. nothing bad ever happened. except this time when i put it back together it wouldnt turn back on. so i plugged it in figuring it just needed charging. that was an hour ago. the little light by the plug in wont even come on. whats wrong with my phone?!?
Try another battery if you can, and if that doesn't work try powering your phone on and letting it sit for a couple minutes, then swiping your finger across the screen where the unlock slider is. If you feel vibration then your phone has a bad digitizer. If you feel nothing then your phone is dead.
Try another battery if you can, and if that doesn't work try powering your phone on and letting it sit for a couple minutes, then swiping your finger across the screen where the unlock slider is. If you feel vibration then your phone has a bad digitizer. If you feel nothing then your phone is dead.

i had it charging all night long and its still not working. im going to try another battery. how could the phone just die like that tho? it didnt even fall hard.
No indication that it is being charged?
Got a friend with a Droid? Swap chargers, swap phones, swap batteries, see if the charger is at fault or the phone or the battery.
Also try rubbing the battery contacts with an eraser, also the tabs on the phone that touch the battery contacts.
I had a similar problem. The problem was I was using the usb charger. When I plugged it in to the wall charger for an hour, it worked. The usb can't revive a dead droid.

Swyped from the DroidForums App
thanks for the suggestions guys, i swapped the battery and it turned on...thankfully! i dont know what happened to the battery but its working now. thanks for the help!
Try another battery if you can, and if that doesn't work try powering your phone on and letting it sit for a couple minutes, then swiping your finger across the screen where the unlock slider is. If you feel vibration then your phone has a bad digitizer. If you feel nothing then your phone is dead.

i had it charging all night long and its still not working. im going to try another battery. how could the phone just die like that tho? it didnt even fall hard.
I dropped my phone over three feet straight onto a rock. I chipped the casing. Others have driven over their phones and they still power up and work. I saw a thread where someone put their phone in the microwave and it still powered up.

And a drop onto a carpeted floor has killed more than just one phone. Sorry. All it takes it the right angle, a bad solder job, whatever. Hopefully the new battery fixes it. :)