Screen light dead - but screen is there


Jan 16, 2010
Reaction score
Ok, i know the title sounds confusing but im going to try to explain this best I can in the shortest way.

Last friday I dropped my stock droid onto the foam pad behind the counter at work, it fell about 2ft out of my pocket. It fell on its corner, battery cover came off.

I picked it up, put it all back together, wiped it off. And went to fire it up, didnt see anything.

So I plugged in the charger and didnt see the light come on (charging light on side) So i said, oh crap looks like its dead.

Well I did a little searching on here, I ended up leaving the battery out for about 1-2 hours. Fired it up, and still saw nothing, but i did feel the vibrator when I held the power button to attempt a power-down.

So from there I went back to the charger, and under the light I saw the screen! Well i put my flash-light to it and sure enough everything was there and functioning properly.

Does anyone know what I can do try to fix the little LED or w/e it is to get the ligth back? I actully called and just went ahead and got the X on the way but its not going to be out for delivery until 9/5 so until then Im using a pos of LG Chocolate and I MISS MY DROID!!!!

Or where i can find parts, and a how-to on fixing this, because we would like to give it to my mom so she can have a nice phone.

Thanks, Joey
I do, but after having the phone replaced 3 times for random issues i decided just to upgrade, so i will be keeping the phone. So i kinda doubt they would let me do an exchange on this one since the changed my plan to the X so i would have insurance.