Help a newbie please!!


New Member
Apr 30, 2010
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Can you please help me?
At the time that I bought this phone, used, June 2013, I did not realize it was rooted until I got it. Didn't worry to much as everything ran fast and flawless. Last week upon performing a reboot I got this message: #install Superuser The binary is out of date
I figured out that I'm on Jelly Bean as my Android Version has 4.1.2 listed. BUT how do I find out more info about my ROM and learn how to maintain my phone properly?

I have tried to fix things myself but it appears that I have managed to stop or turn off my Super User program and I can't get it restarted. I have downloaded a program that checks and creates a report on the status of SU and it tells me that SU is not running. Thank you if you can help out this newbie at the moment. The last thing I want to do is mess with my only means of wireless communication but I also like to keep my stuff up to date. For now my phone is working but it's running slow except for the drain on my battery - which has changed overnight and is dropping fast for some reason.

Cheers, Ms. Tee in Texas

Here is the report:
Root Access is not properly configured or was not granted.
Super User Application Status:
Superuser application - is NOT installed.
SuperSU application - is NOT installed.
System File Properties for Root Access:
Standard Location
Check Command: ls -l /system/bin/su:
Result: lrwxrwxrwx root root 2014-10-20 01:55 su -> /system/xbin/su
Analysis: File: su is a symbolic link pointing to another file: /system/xbin/su
Standard Location
Check Command: ls -l /system/xbin/su:
Result: -rwsr-sr-x root root 311868 2014-10-20 01:55 su
Analysis: Setuid attribute is present and root user ownership is present. Root access is correctly configured for this file! Executing this file can grant root access!
Alternative Location
Check Command: ls -l /sbin/su:
Result: /sbin/su: Permission denied
Analysis: File system permissions restricted and denied access.
Alternative Location
Check Command: ls -l /system/xbin/sudo:
Result: /system/xbin/sudo: No such file or directory
Analysis: File /system/xbin/sudo does not exist.
Root User ID and Group ID Status:
SU binary not found or not operating properly
System Environment PATH: /sbin /vendor/bin /system/sbin /system/bin /system/xbin
ADB Shell Default User:
ADB shell setting for standard access, stored in default.prop, is configured as: shell (non root) user -
Results provided on your DROID RAZR HD device by Root Checker Pro version 1.3.5 from joeykrim in the Android Market -
Would you please either post a screenshot of "About Phone" or let us know your system version and build number?
Can you please help me?
At the time that I bought this phone, used, June 2013, I did not realize it was rooted until I got it. Didn't worry to much as everything ran fast and flawless. Last week upon performing a reboot I got this message: #install Superuser The binary is out of date
I figured out that I'm on Jelly Bean as my Android Version has 4.1.2 listed. BUT how do I find out more info about my ROM and learn how to maintain my phone properly?

I have tried to fix things myself but it appears that I have managed to stop or turn off my Super User program and I can't get it restarted. I have downloaded a program that checks and creates a report on the status of SU and it tells me that SU is not running. Thank you if you can help out this newbie at the moment. The last thing I want to do is mess with my only means of wireless communication but I also like to keep my stuff up to date. For now my phone is working but it's running slow except for the drain on my battery - which has changed overnight and is dropping fast for some reason.

Cheers, Ms. Tee in Texas

Here is the report:
Root Access is not properly configured or was not granted.
Super User Application Status:
Superuser application - is NOT installed.
SuperSU application - is NOT installed.
System File Properties for Root Access:
Standard Location
Check Command: ls -l /system/bin/su:
Result: lrwxrwxrwx root root 2014-10-20 01:55 su -> /system/xbin/su
Analysis: File: su is a symbolic link pointing to another file: /system/xbin/su
Standard Location
Check Command: ls -l /system/xbin/su:
Result: -rwsr-sr-x root root 311868 2014-10-20 01:55 su
Analysis: Setuid attribute is present and root user ownership is present. Root access is correctly configured for this file! Executing this file can grant root access!
Alternative Location
Check Command: ls -l /sbin/su:
Result: /sbin/su: Permission denied
Analysis: File system permissions restricted and denied access.
Alternative Location
Check Command: ls -l /system/xbin/sudo:
Result: /system/xbin/sudo: No such file or directory
Analysis: File /system/xbin/sudo does not exist.
Root User ID and Group ID Status:
SU binary not found or not operating properly
System Environment PATH: /sbin /vendor/bin /system/sbin /system/bin /system/xbin
ADB Shell Default User:
ADB shell setting for standard access, stored in default.prop, is configured as: shell (non root) user -
Results provided on your DROID RAZR HD device by Root Checker Pro version 1.3.5 from joeykrim in the Android Market -

I literally got a mild headache reading this.

Please firmly grab the phone, and proceed to throw it into a fireplace.
To the OP: We're still willing to help. Please see my prior post.
My guess is that you updated the OTA and lost root.

Sent from Motorola Droid Razr Maxx HD