I'm still googling this topic, and I'm no longer sure that my bloatware theory is the answer. That post in xda-developers said removing bloatware freed RAM, but so does freezing it. I think removing it would just free internal storage, not RAM. So I'm still googling, still trying to figure out what is using that 202MB on my phone.
The reason that Android memory management doesn't solve everything is because some types of programs are services and can't be killed - like Google+ (and every other Google app on the device), and most (if not all) of the Verizon bloatware are services, too. These never go away. If you try to kill them, they are immediately recreated. Any program that monitors something on the device - monitors data, battery, or memory usage, automates anything to happen on a regular basis - has to be a service. Facebook, Google+, and email apps are services because they periodically check for activity and then notify you. These services are permanent residents in memory and the more of them you use, the less memory you have available to run other apps. I was using an app called Plume for a while, for Twitter and Facebook, until I discovered it was a service using 80MB of RAM. Bye-bye Plume!
Back to the mystery of the missing 202MB... Isn't this some sort of official Motorola/Verizon forum? That's why I posted the question here. I thought someone from these companies could answer. Someone there knows the answer to this question!