
Nov 18, 2011
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I am a bus driver and I'm looking for ways to please my passengers by letting them watch netflix or something like that.

But all the bus has available is RCA or component the red yellow and white cables.

Any suggestions for running a tablet to this system??

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I've never seen this, interesting...Wonder if it would work since it does say it's for the Samsung line of phones

I'm not sure off the top of my head. I just remember people talking about it, cause the GS line didn't have HDMI out (like the X or HTC EVO).

There was also this:

TV Output on DROID Incredible by HTC (with video)Not sure if that would work either.

Wouldn't this be more so for audio???

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums

Nope. It has a composite cable on it.

Possibly. But I think the xyboard has mini HDMI?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums

The back side of the box has a full size HDMI port. So you would just need a cable with whatever HDMI size post with a full one.
I'm not sure off the top of my head. I just remember people talking about it, cause the GS line didn't have HDMI out (like the X or HTC EVO).

There was also this:

TV Output on DROID Incredible by HTC (with video)Not sure if that would work either.

Nope. It has a composite cable on it.

The back side of the box has a full size HDMI port. So you would just need a cable with whatever HDMI size post with a full one.

Nice. I have to look into this.

Thanks guys.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
There is a huge long thread on here about a guy that did what you are talking about with some good pics if I remember correctly. Sorry, can't remember the name but try searching HDMI and RCA jacks and maybe you will find it