Have you been charged for wireless tethering?


Rescue Squad
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Premium Member
Rescue Squad
Sep 25, 2010
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I looked, and found pretty outdated threads on the subject.

Has anyone been charged for using wireless or wired tethering? (Barnacle, Wireless Tether, etc.)

If you could, list your carrier, phone model, and program.
no, but that won't stop people from coming on here and saying that you're ruining it for others or that you're leading us to Tiered plans.

Either way... I paid 9.99 for Easy tether pro and cancelled my home internet.
Either way... I paid 9.99 for Easy tether pro and cancelled my home internet.

If you're a light user, you've got it made. I've never even hit over 2-3 GB's, but I don't stream video or music. I'm just a browser.
no, but that won't stop people from coming on here and saying that you're ruining it for others or that you're leading us to Tiered plans.

Either way... I paid 9.99 for Easy tether pro and cancelled my home internet.

if you're just a light browser (checking e-mails, reading articles, and other light browsing) then i think this is a great idea. There is no way Verizon can tell you're tethering an it saves you a bunch of money by canceling an internet subscription.

unfortunately i play video games and need an internet connection, so this is not my route =P
no, but that won't stop people from coming on here and saying that you're ruining it for others or that you're leading us to Tiered plans.

Either way... I paid 9.99 for Easy tether pro and cancelled my home internet.

Actually what a lot of people say is that streaming gig after gig of data is what will ruin it and cause the tiered pricing. Using the tethering logically is one thing, streaming movie after movie, downloading torrents and generally downloading huge amounts of data through tethering will start to throw red flags up with Verizon before it is all said and done.
no, but that won't stop people from coming on here and saying that you're ruining it for others or that you're leading us to Tiered plans.

Either way... I paid 9.99 for Easy tether pro and cancelled my home internet.

Actually what a lot of people say is that streaming gig after gig of data is what will ruin it and cause the tiered pricing. Using the tethering logically is one thing, streaming movie after movie, downloading torrents and generally downloading huge amounts of data through tethering will start to throw red flags up with Verizon before it is all said and done.

Logical and true.
I do stream and download music.
I do play online games (upload music for Guitar Hero.... stuff like that) I don't get into those CoD games and whatnot

It's all rumor and hearsay. Noone is getting cancelled, noone is getting charged extra, noone is getting their contract cancelled but still having to pay ETF's.

all these "redflags" yet noone has had anything happen. At what point are the fearmongerers going to realize they are simply wrong? I know they THINK bad things can happen and it will ruin 'logical' tethering, but it's been a year now of scare tactics yet absolutely no proof of anything bad happening.

and btw - introducing a tiered data OPTION is not the same as tiered data plans being forced on everyone.
I've used the wireless tethering.... but sparingly. And for simple internet connection... not for downloading or streaming.
I'm using a tethering app on my droid. Wi-fi tether. Usually comes with most custom ROMs.

Well today I used about 35 megabytes of data from my phone because my internet was out. Would there be any reprecussions to this? Also how much can you tether without getting charged if any at all.
It's all rumor and hearsay. Noone is getting cancelled, noone is getting charged extra, noone is getting their contract cancelled but still having to pay ETF's.

all these "redflags" yet noone has had anything happen. At what point are the fearmongerers going to realize they are simply wrong? I know they THINK bad things can happen and it will ruin 'logical' tethering, but it's been a year now of scare tactics yet absolutely no proof of anything bad happening.

Unless you work for Verizon, you have no place telling anyone something definitive on this subject. Read what I said again. If everyone suddenly starts tethering huge amounts of data, Verizon will enact changes. It will be necessary due to the heavier draws on their network. That is something I can assure you of.
I'm using a tethering app on my droid. Wi-fi tether. Usually comes with most custom ROMs.

Well today I used about 35 megabytes of data from my phone because my internet was out. Would there be any reprecussions to this? Also how much can you tether without getting charged if any at all.

35mb or 35gb? 35 mb is barely anything and you are more than fine with that. Usually what we would consider warning areas are branching into the range of 10gb plus per month on tethered.
I think if anyone was charged for going over you would have 20+ new threads here with titles like "ZOMG Verizon charged me for excessive data" or "Verizon sucks" etc. I will say though that I had a user with an aircard with a 5GB cap and they blew through that and we got a nastygram from Verizon about it. It was quite excessive though, in the 20GB+ range for not even a whole month.

I only use tethering if I travel and need to sync up mail or don't want to pay $10 in a hotel for slow wireless. At times if I need to I will use it for an ipod connection here or there.