After seeing this thread Possible Signal Fix , I found that when my cell signal is lost (which never happened on my Droid 1 ANYWHERE at work dancedroid) a battery/sim pull fixes it until I roam somewhere deeper into the office where the signal drops out again.
I understand the Nexus signals aren't all that wonderful, but its obviously capable of GETTING a signal. It just can't restore it once its lost. At my desk I get 1-2 bars until I move into the laboratory. After coming back to my desk it'll sit at 0 bars and say "Searching For Signal" until I pull the battery/sim. Then its fine.
Is this something that can be fixed via software patches?
I have 3 days left of my 14 day window to decide if I'm keeping the GNex. I've had to swap phones TWICE already because the first one dropped almost every call I made and the second wasn't much better. I've never had problem with signal from VZW in the ~10 years before, so I know its the phone.
I understand the Nexus signals aren't all that wonderful, but its obviously capable of GETTING a signal. It just can't restore it once its lost. At my desk I get 1-2 bars until I move into the laboratory. After coming back to my desk it'll sit at 0 bars and say "Searching For Signal" until I pull the battery/sim. Then its fine.
Is this something that can be fixed via software patches?
I have 3 days left of my 14 day window to decide if I'm keeping the GNex. I've had to swap phones TWICE already because the first one dropped almost every call I made and the second wasn't much better. I've never had problem with signal from VZW in the ~10 years before, so I know its the phone.