Google Wallet stuck on "Initializing your device"

Allen K

Jul 13, 2010
Reaction score
Orange County, CA
Hi All, So my situation is this. I previously installed Google Wallet successfully and was able to get the free prepaid card before deciding to unlock the bootloader and root. After successfully doing both of those, I tried to reinstall Google Wallet, but it's stuck on the "Initializing your device" screen and has been here for at least 30 minutes at this point. I've tried unrooting and reinstalling but again it gets stuck in the same place. I've also tried flashing the phone with a fresh image but again I'm staring at the initializing your device screen. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Quick Edit: I'm also unrooted at this point so I really don't know what the issue is.
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It took a LONG time for mine to activate (30-45 minutes). I just gave up waiting and went about doing other thing... next time I checked it was done.
Did you have to leave the screen on for that? I let it stay on initializing overnight and it's still initializing.
So for some closure on this incident. I gave the good folks at Google Wallet a call and until/unless the Nexus is officially supported by GW I'm SOL. Something about registering the device on their servers and not letting me reactivate because of that. I'm going to try to load a nandroid back up, but it looks like I'm stuck until VZW gets its head out of its ass...which probably isn't happening any time soon
From what I read somewhere the issue is actually Google's as they have an agreement with Sprint for some time giving them exclusive rights to it.