Google voice


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2010
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quick question, I'm sure its been covered, but I use google voice with my vz number. I just checked my call settings for some reason and it said that it was currently set for my carrier, even though i've been getting my voice mails through gv. I changed it to gv. Is this the proper setting? I just want to use gv for visual voicemail with the app, and dont want any other complications or charges. Thanks

edit: and in that same menu, when i try and click voicemail setting, it says that an error has occurred with gv, however, the gv app is still open, and i can access the settings through the app. Is there actually any problem here? Or should I just be dealing with the app exclusively?
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Set your voicemail carrier in your settings to GV... go into the GV app and make sure you set making calls to "do not use Google voice to make any calls". You should be all set. I use GV just for voicemail as well.
ok thanks, thats what i figured. When I set everything up the first time it all made sense. But now after reading a lot of things on gv I became slightly confused. one more question, by just using it for vm, are we charged through verizon for the call being forwarded to gv, and then charged again when we check? or because we use the app, we're charged for the call being forwarded and thats it? so essentially we're charged the same thing as if we were using verizon's vm?
I think when we check voicemail it goes against our VZW minutes. Other than that I don't think anything changes.
I've got a different question...actually, two.

1. How do you know what number to put in Friends and Family so checking GV by calling doesn't cost minutes?


2. If someone dials my GV number, am I charged minutes? It's a cell phone, so I imagine incoming calls use up minutes, but what if I have my GV number AND the number they're calling from in my Friends and Family? [I setup a number so my mom doesn't have to call long distance from her home phone, but now wanna make sure I'm not screwing myself out of free calls to and from her...]
one last thing, I was reading the other gv thread, and it states that putting your gv number in friends and family eliminates the charges. But I don't have a google number, since I use my verizon number. If I put my google voicemail number (the one at the top of the page when you're in the google voice section of your google account, I think this is the number you dial to hear your vms if you're not using the app), then will i not get charged for the call forwarding that takes place when someone leaves me a message?
Your GV number is listed in the GV app on your Droid, or on the top of the GV account page on your browser/PC.

I'm not sure how the calling situation works, I only us GV for voicemail.... as I didn't want to hand out a new number
one last thing, I was reading the other gv thread, and it states that putting your gv number in friends and family eliminates the charges. But I don't have a google number, since I use my verizon number. If I put my google voicemail number (the one at the top of the page when you're in the google voice section of your google account, I think this is the number you dial to hear your vms if you're not using the app), then will i not get charged for the call forwarding that takes place when someone leaves me a message?
I think it only counts against your minutes when you actually call your GV voicemail.
Your GV number is listed in the GV app on your Droid, or on the top of the GV account page on your browser/PC.

I'm not sure how the calling situation works, I only us GV for voicemail.... as I didn't want to hand out a new number

Thanks. I just figured I'd ask, because I saw you'd just posted answers about GV on this thread.

I posted the question about Friends and Family in the "official" GV thread, but have gotten literally NO notification of ANY new post...
I know adding your GV number to your "friends and family" eliminates using minutes against your VZW account when you call GV... not sure about when someone calls you