Google Voice help


Dec 28, 2010
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I made a google voice number and it took over my Verizon voice mail and I want it back

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Now I can't get back into google voice app to verify my number

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Just did that its saying my number is already being used by another number I deleted the other email that it would be linked to and nothing it still wont let me past the verify part so I can't get back in the app

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Do I have to make a new gmail its saying my number can't be verify at this time and when I leave a voicemail to my phone it shows on my gmail but in the settings when I try to put my number back in from the computer it still says it already being used and it can't be

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Can anybody help me with this

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When you add your phone number to google voice, they call you & tell you a number. You type that number into the page you have open.
I need to find a way to have the gv call my phone so I can re verify for this email

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On the computer?

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I will try it and let you no thankyou so much for responding

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