Wanted to no is their another app like google voice so I can add another phone number to my phone
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Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums
But is there anything else like Google voice I already have that I wanted something like it so I can add another line for texting
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Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums
Forgive me on this cause I know that Google is my 'friend' and you can find like anything with it, but if everyone just used Google what would be the point in these forums then? Sure it could, depending on ones' situation, provide information fast, but posting on forums lets places like this become more active and you can actually ask questions and talk to 'real' people (Real is in quotes because who knows how many of you guys/gals are actually robots or terminators Lmao.) And besides that, what you ask or contribute on message boards could bring up the results someone is looking for who is actually Googling something.(wow, first time Ive used that word and the auto correct completed it. So does that mean its an actual word or is it cause Google put it on their phones with Google? And I say actual as in like a legal official word and not like slang? (Another subject), but would using the phrase 'googling something' be, so to say, incorrect(if I even used, so to say, correct in the first place but I'm sure you understand,hopefully lol.) Since the point in Google being a search engine is for searching 'things' and to my understanding the meaning of said word(another phrase I've never used but only did so there wouldn't be so many googles on here, even though using this parenthesized((oh God not another one, but is there another word for parenthesized, like say parenthesitic? Lmfao, did I just make a new word, cause the auto complete didnt kick in and if Google can create new words then I'm coining that mofo? <---(would that be a proper sentence or would it not be a sentence but a proper question since the type of question I asked is a question that is being direct, or for better words, addressed to the reader, and is quotable, still considered a proper sentence or just a proper sentence that's asking of something? Then again, all questions would have to be considered as quotable cause in order to differentiate(another word that I've used for the first time) a sentence over a question, there has to be somebody there in the first place for a question to be made/asked of. Unless if there are actually two types of questions, and no I'm not talking about hypothetical questions but the kinds of questions that you are asking someone yourself or being asked of, which is why I used the term, or 'word', direct, above. (if there is a difference in the meaning and usage of those two words, and did I make that proper or 'correct' by putting the word word(which looks weird and weirdly spelled when you look at it long enough lol) by putting it in ''s and placing it in-between the commas, and if its not the 'correct' or in this same case, 'proper',(im sure 'correct' and 'proper' have different meanings when using them with grammar) would it be in this particular situation, since I'm unsure of the of correct way to 'correctly' form those words hence this long @$$ parenthesitic(Lmao) question?) And the type of questions that come from something in general, that isn't asking something and some people might see that as a question that no one has asked yet, but then how is it a question if it hasn't been asked? it couldnt be a 'thought' because then it would be a question that is being asked by you to you, or is it?) contradicts what I'm saying since I had to use that g-word to explain why I used, "said word" and now you just read all of that gibberish for nothing.
Just so i could try an explain my view about when people say to just 'Google' something even though it got carried on way to far.
Anyways after loosing myself, the real reason why I'm posting was to ask what it Google voice and what's the point in it? Just so you can use calls an text over just wifi if you don't have service? Lmao sorry and if you did read all that, please correct me if I'm wrong about anything wrong with it grammar wise lol and about the parenthesitic word. And honestly there wouldn't be that many parenthesis if I didn't want it to seem like this was an actual message to someone and not like a blog type thing, since it is on a message board and it isn't 100% certain that there is gonna be someone out there to read it or respond to it. (Yeah I'm not kidding lol, stupid I know but there's always that possibility lol)
Was there a point in there somewhere lol
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