The following is my best current estimate on how Navigation works. Comments are welcome and I'll update the instructions.
First a brief comment. My Motorola DROID screen contact seems to be quirky. It works best when hand held. If you want to operate it single handed, grasp the DROID by the sides and use your index finger for selections. If I place it on a table and touch the screen, no telling what I'll get. My best bet is that it responds to capacitive changes. I haven't tried it on a conductive surface. I'll have to research this. So clicker beware!
Google Maps Navigation
On list of apps - select "CAR HOME"
Select "Navigation"Below the location windows are three route options:Good luck! More later
P.S. If you saw my comment yesterday expressing my frustration, trying out navigation at your dining room table will teach you a lot more that trying it at 60 mph for the first time.
First a brief comment. My Motorola DROID screen contact seems to be quirky. It works best when hand held. If you want to operate it single handed, grasp the DROID by the sides and use your index finger for selections. If I place it on a table and touch the screen, no telling what I'll get. My best bet is that it responds to capacitive changes. I haven't tried it on a conductive surface. I'll have to research this. So clicker beware!
Google Maps Navigation
On list of apps - select "CAR HOME"
Select "Navigation"
Selecting either of the two top left windows will bring up the key board to enter addresses. The default on the my location window is "MY LOCATION".
Selecting the box to the right of the entry window will bring up a new menu
For the Start Point the options are
My current window
Point on map
Point on map
Selecting Point on Map allows you to expand the map and point to the starting location.
For the box to the right of the End Point Window you have two choices:
Point on Map
Point on Map
By car
By public transportation
On foot
By public transportation
On foot
Select "Go" will bring up the directions
Again you have two options:
Again you have two options:
Show on Map: This gives you the standard map but no verbal instructions
Navigation: This will determine the route and it takes a little longer, but it will give you audio instructions.
There are several options at this point. Selecting list will bring them up. By importance::
TrafficView: Will bring up an image of the entire route color coded to give traffic conditions. If the route or part of the route is colored in gray, traffic is not available for that area. The map can be expanded and shifted. Expansion is by the two fingered option.
Satellite: Will bring up the satellite view and return you to the map. In the upper right hand corner of the screen is a blue arrow. If (it's gray the GPS is searching for satellites. If you press on the arrow when it's blue (at least once), three icons will appear on the bottom of the screen:
List Mode: to get the written route.
Little Person: which will bring up street view.
Blue Arrow: Will return you to the overhead satellite mode.
Other layers are obvious as is Clear Map.
P.S. If you saw my comment yesterday expressing my frustration, trying out navigation at your dining room table will teach you a lot more that trying it at 60 mph for the first time.