Goodbye.. bionic..

You guys dont use 4G? But why? Its soo much faster, and the battery drain isn't that bad with extended battery plus ICS
Well that's fine for you but not everybody has an extended battery or an ics leak.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC
Weaselboy134987 said:
Well that's fine for you but not everybody has an extended battery or an ics leak.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC

I got a leak for ya right here!
I'll probably wait to see what new phones are announced in the next couple months then jump ship as well. I really liked my Bionic up until recently. It won't recharge without being on a dock anymore. I thought I could overlook this since I put it on its dock almost every night before bed, but this weekend I took a little weekend getaway and didn't pack it. I had the OEM cables and chargers and tried charging it in the car and at the hotel, but nothing worked. Fortunately, I packed a spare battery and was able to make it through the long weekend if I only turned on my phone when I needed it, but it sucked 'cause I wasn't able to use the GPS or kill some time with Youtube during the roadtrip. I'm waiting to see what this year's Nexus will look like, and since I live in an AT&T 4G LTE area, I'm open to leaving VZW totally behind if they're not offering a Nexus.
That's why I'm waiting for the next couple months. Moto is announcing some phones tomorrow and the new Nexuses usually come out in Oct-Nov. My Bionic functions ok enough to last me till then. The only time I feel like throwing it at a wall is when I'm out for extended periods of time without my charge dock, which admittedly isn't too often. But being caught with a dead phone even once is a fail for me, so I'll be waiting to see what's announced then make a decision.
Can someone give me some advice?
I'm on my second replacement (third in total) and I am getting data connectivity issues once more. I'm tired of the bionic and am hoping to switch to a GNex. Will they send me that as a replacement, or will I have to painfully work up the tiers of command and try to persuade them to switch phones for me?
Can someone give me some advice?
I'm on my second replacement (third in total) and I am getting data connectivity issues once more. I'm tired of the bionic and am hoping to switch to a GNex. Will they send me that as a replacement, or will I have to painfully work up the tiers of command and try to persuade them to switch phones for me?

They may send you a gnex as a replacement... but be forewarned, gnex's have been having radio problems too.
And its probably going to be a used one.. refurbished

Sent from my DROID Bionic using Tapatalk
ExSuperHero said:
Can someone give me some advice?
I'm on my second replacement (third in total) and I am getting data connectivity issues once more. I'm tired of the bionic and am hoping to switch to a GNex. Will they send me that as a replacement, or will I have to painfully work up the tiers of command and try to persuade them to switch phones for me?

Update to an ICS leak it will fix ur data problems here are my bench marks with ICS an oced to 1.4 ghz it floors the gnex



Disagree. Got rid of my Bionic and received a GNex with an 8/2012 build date. The radios with the JB leak are working very well. You should be fine; just make sure the CLN phone has a 2012 build.
Alright, I'll probably give vz a call tomorrow. I don't mind if it's refurbished. And I have been on ICS and the problems are still coming. Thanks for the help.
ExSuperHero said:
Alright, I'll probably give vz a call tomorrow. I don't mind if it's refurbished. And I have been on ICS and the problems are still coming. Thanks for the help.

You are on an ics leak and still having data problems? That is strange I had problems with data until ics and now I never drop data ever.
You are on an ics leak and still having data problems? That is strange I had problems with data until ics and now I never drop data ever.
Yeah I've had this problem on .229 and .232
Which are the only ones I have tried.