go flight attendant

Hope he enjoys his jail time and having a felony record....
i have another comment but its not p.c.
Heard this on 89x. Swore at passangers, stole some beer, exited on a slide, quit, drove home, and was arrested while having sex. Pretty funny imo
It's funny until he realizes he just ruined any chance of holding a decent job again in his life. Hope that felony offense was worth it!

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It's funny until he realizes he just ruined any chance of holding a decent job again in his life. Hope that felony offense was worth it!

Let's wait and see. In some respects he became a folk hero. Time will tell if he escapes with a misdemeanor and community service.
That Colton Harris-Moore kid is considered a folk hero as well. I guarantee that won't ever enter the judges mind when the kid gets 30-50 years for all those robberies.

sent from the great depths of my phones internet (thanks Al Gore)
Here's an interesting comment his lawyer said:

"This is an example of how airline civility is missing," Turman told the court. "People just don't have courtesy anymore."

There have been complaints that the passenger should be punished for being rude, and not Steven Slater. But he was rude too and somehow what his lawyer says doesn't apply to him. Go figure.


You know, if this was a cop using the "N" word, he wouldn't be hailed as a hero.
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